White Mt Family camping/hiking weekend trip


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Aug 27, 2004
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The other thread was intertwined with an ADK event. So I started a thread specific to the white mountains for clarity.

It seems there are all ages interested. alot of teenagers. Interesting, knowing how teenagers eat the bears will hang thier food from us.
13 falls campsite was suggested...great spot! A personal favorite. I think there will be screaming when people jump into that water.

What weekend?

Pot luck?

What mountains should we hike. My son and I need Garfield and N Twin so this can be a perfect weekend.
was this to be a winter, spring or summer outing ?
I'd say Easter weekend or memorial day, people could then do 1, 2 or 3 nights.
Pot Lucks good for us if you like MRE's ! ;)
Chip said:
was this to be a winter, spring or summer outing ?
I'd say Easter weekend or memorial day, people could then do 1, 2 or 3 nights.
Pot Lucks good for us if you like MRE's ! ;)

Those could be good dates. Chip you could be the first to jump into the swimming hole. What a wilderness experience to hear your cold shock shouts echoing of South Twin, the Bonds and the Franconia range.
I could do either, Easter will be colder and muddier, but Memorial Day might not be much better.
I'll fall in line, whatever works. I'll jump into the swimming hole regardless. :eek:
Chip said:
was this to be a winter, spring or summer outing ?
I'd say Easter weekend or memorial day, people could then do 1, 2 or 3 nights.
Pot Lucks good for us if you like MRE's ! ;)

Easter weekend is going to be a tough weekend for kids to hike because there *should* still be a considerable amount of snow. Last year I took colden up Eisenhower in Late May, and there was still hip-deep snow in parts. Maybe you guys aren't going peakbagging tho, so I dunno.

Count me as an interested party. I plan on taking Colden on two car-camp trips this summer at least. He turns three right around Memorial day, I was planning on hiking around that time, but it will be dependent on how things go with thing #2 due in april.

Either Easter or Memorial Day would work for us - or just about any time during the summer except August 8-23 (summer camp). The week after Easter is school vacation week in Mass. Tough to say if the snow will be an issue - would assume that it would be more significant in April than the end of May. The kids might enjoy themselves more if it were warmer. We would hike just about anywhere from 13 falls - had thought about a pemi half loop (south twin, guyot, bonds) although we might want to climb owl's head and bag the "real" summit this time. ;)
Family WE

Memorial Day WE is a better for us. Not really into camping much earlier in the season. Any June WE except the last one is good too. Hope we will be able to make it. My two ladies, ages 11 and 13 would love the "kid company"
Let's try to make it Memorial Day weekend and keep this thread as the Whites weekend planner.
I may have 4 boys, at least 2, aged 10 - 12 and my wife.
I'm the only distance hiker in the group, so closer stuff would be better.
Chip said:
Let's try to make it Memorial Day weekend and keep this thread as the Whites weekend planner.
I may have 4 boys, at least 2, aged 10 - 12 and my wife.
I'm the only distance hiker in the group, so closer stuff would be better.

Chip would 13 Falls be to much for your crew? It is along hike in. what would be a better option?
Puck said:
Chip would 13 Falls be to much for your crew? It is along hike in. what would be a better option?

Chip and others: is this helpful?

13 Falls is 8+/- miles, 1,050 feet gain, 4:35 book time from Lincoln Woods.

Not sure about distance from Gale River Trail Head: T.H. to hut is 4.6 miles, 2,200 feet gain, 3:25 book time; then add the the distance down the Twin Brook Trail to 13 falls.
I have to be honest, that'd be too much for my boys and wife right now, especially with packs. We'd make it, but they wouldn't be happy. We could work something out if that's the plan, maybe do part the night before. Ideally we'd base/car camp with a few more "luxuries" (cooler, port-a-potty tent, etc) and hike some from there. But make plans for the group and we'll figure out what we need to do.
Chip said:
I have to be honest, that'd be too much for my boys and wife right now, especially with packs. We'd make it, but they wouldn't be happy. We could work something out if that's the plan, maybe do part the night before. Ideally we'd base/car camp with a few more "luxuries" (cooler, port-a-potty tent, etc) and hike some from there. But make plans for the group and we'll figure out what we need to do.

I'll defer to Puck and the others (Sikes?) who started this thread or the idea of a family camp/hike. Isn't there a campground near the end of the Lincoln Woods part of the trail (replacing the one in the Franconia Falls area) - maybe on the east side of the river? That might be three miles from lincoln Woods.
slowandsteady said:
I'll defer to Puck and the others (Sikes?) who started this thread or the idea of a family camp/hike. Isn't there a campground near the end of the Lincoln Woods part of the trail (replacing the one in the Franconia Falls area) - maybe on the east side of the river? That might be three miles from lincoln Woods.

No need to defer...we can reach a consensus. First, waht is the purpose of this event? To get kids and teenagers together. They will be of all levels of abilities and experience. So we should probably cater to the lowest level so everyone feels welcome. A camp site off a main road could serve nicely. From a site groups can strike out in all directions to hike different peaks ...however, How busy are these campsites during the Memorial day weekend? I really don't know.
13 falls is a good hike in. It is a beautifull spot. The water maybe to cold to swim. Hikes from the area could be Owls head or up to the Garfield -Twin ridge. Others could just hike around in the Pemi.

I like the pemi idea for personal reasons. I was planning of coming over the twins to 13 falls then hike out the next day to bag Garfield or something along those lines. I jumped on the idea so my son can make friends with other kids who share his same love of the Mountains or to help foster that love in a someone just starting out.

Perhaps I should stop rambling and start a poll
I am a big fan of making this a car-camp event because then I can be included. It would be hard to haul a 3 year old plus associated gear 8 miles in. Just saying. Good chance I will have family responsibilities since memorial day weekend is my boy's birthday weekend, so go ahead and plan whatever and I will work around it.

Puck said:
No need to defer...we can reach a consensus. First, waht is the purpose of this event? To get kids and teenagers together. They will be of all levels of abilities and experience. So we should probably cater to the lowest level so everyone feels welcome. A camp site off a main road could serve nicely. From a site groups can strike out in all directions to hike different peaks ...however, How busy are these campsites during the Memorial day weekend? I really don't know.
13 falls is a good hike in. It is a beautifull spot. The water maybe to cold to swim. Hikes from the area could be Owls head or up to the Garfield -Twin ridge. Others could just hike around in the Pemi.

I like the pemi idea for personal reasons. I was planning of coming over the twins to 13 falls then hike out the next day to bag Garfield or something along those lines. I jumped on the idea so my son can make friends with other kids who share his same love of the Mountains or to help foster that love in a someone just starting out.

Perhaps I should stop rambling and start a poll

Goal - get kids and teens (and their parents?) together.

Share your interest in 13 falls and the twins - my son is 13 and completed the any season 48 with us a couple of years ago. He's hiked/backpacked with an AMC teen group in the Dry River Wilderness and he's wanted to do more backpacking - in the Pemi in particular. But 13 falls may exclude many and be difficult enough to discourage newbies.

Sounds like a poll is in order - there will be many abilities and needs - maybe a base camp with various trip options. The camp grounds will have plenty of visitors Memorial Day Weekend, but for kids/teens that's a plus. The warmer the weather the less stuff to carry in or pack in car.