Whitecap & North Kennebago Divide on June 24


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poison ivy

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Mansfield, MA Avatar: Mt. Whitney, CA
I'm putting together plans to hike these two Maine peaks on Saturday June 24. If you're interested in coming along with us, please send me a pm and I'll fill you in on details. :)

- Ivy
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Poison Ivy, in the body of your post, I think you meant to write June 24, not "Jan. 24."
Hi Amy!

Will definitely be there. Will post you.

To the pleasure of meeting you for this bushwhack adventure.

Amy- did that jaunt 1 year and 1 week ago. My advice:
1) Gallons of bug dope. Flocks of hungry skeeters the size of the ones I encountered in Alaska (like the bats in a Hunter S. Thompson hallucination)throughout the day :eek:
2) Be ready for numerous instances where a foot that is well intentioned to land on something solid falls 6-12 inches into a puddle unbeknownst to thine eyes due to waist deep grass and flag on the moose herd paths. The unnerving impact of the "step of faith" gets old, especially when you occasionally greet your thighs with mud :mad:

Overall though a fun day of Maine whackin', good views off Whitecap if you go past the spur herd path near the summit.

Have fun.

poison ivy said:
Thanks for the advice Damon, though I hope you haven't scared off my prospective companions!
- Ivy

Hah! But for the importance of avoiding hubris, I'd say something about showing the little buggers why we're at the top of the food chain. :) That thigh-deep mud doesn't sound very appealing, though. :(

It might also be prudent to look up any Trip Report Raymond may have submitted - sounds like a cautionary tale. :eek:
Looking forward to trip report. Am tentatively planning to do that on the 2nd. Can only go out on Sun. this weekend otherwise I would go with you. Gamehiker