New member
Date: 10-10-10
Trails: Blueberry Ridge, Rollins, Dicey Mills, Walden, Wonalancet trails from Ferncroft
Well, we're getting down to the wire...today was for #40 and 41...we decided to try and tag our new "hobby" onto this hike: Geocaching. After some research, we found that there were 4 easily within our reach of this loop...
6:00 am, on the trail. It was quite dark when we started and there were some false starts as to which was the trail...and which was a driveway. Luckily, things were quite well marked...but difficult to see in the dark.
We hit our first geocache find very early (right at the Dicey Mill/Blueberry Ridge cut of convergence) and continued up the ridge. By the time we broke out of the woods the first time, it was quite light...with beautiful early morning sunshine. I really thought I was in Camden for a moment there
We were loving it...after a while we came to...the stone steps. Really pretty...but, they just kept going and going and going. Really? seriously? Sigh...it seemed, however, that even the trail workers got tired of making stairs and they just stopped
It was a lot of fun, I had just decided that morning (well, actually, while TRYING to get back to sleep earlier that morning) that we should bring our microspikes. Bobby laughed at me...but, then:
Not only that...but, from the view...you could clearly see that winter had hit Mt. Washington
Not that we needed them, but, hey...better safe than sorry. I figured, what with the really ledgy section to come, and the fact that there WAS ice, it was best. Don't want to be twarted on #40 or 41 becuase of something like this!
Anyway, kept going and got TO the ledges...they were dry...but...um...the trail is where? Good thing for winter hikers...their scritcy marks helped us along. The views from here were spectacular:
We navigated the ledges and got to the final junction before heading to the summit...oh...what? we missed the summit? Surprise. I guess, since there aren't any other trails here...and we're going down...we can cound this is #40...yeah us. Passaconaway, here we come!
Walking along, discussing important things like, what our final summit will be, teenage drivers, geocaching, etc. i saw this:
um...let's talk LOUDER and get our butskies in gear! We were alone on the trail at this point in time...and, well, hubby kept saying "hold on, do you hear that?"..."NOPE!!! let's just keep moving"!
Finaly, another hiker went by...since he came from where we were going...and he had all his limbs...I figured we were safe...
We were really enjoying this trail...easy, nice woods, awesome. At a little lookout almost to the "summit" of Passaconaway...we say where we had come from. I don't know about you, but this ALWAYS impresses me...we actually came THAT far? Love it!
The summit of Passaconaway was...well...I think there. Ok...#41. Time to find our two big geocaches!
Came to the "viewpoint" discussed in the geocache description and spent some time enjoying that. i especially enjoyed that I KNEW what these mountains were (that's a big deal to me
Found the other two geocaches we had planned to look for (interestingly, in this one was a "coin" that travels around. When we logged it into the geocaching web site, we found out it had been in circulation since 2008...and that it originated from the Netherlands...it had traveled around Germany, Netherlands, Amsterdam and all over the US. It would soon be coming to Maine for a visit).
This was a great trip...and, despite the fact that the summits were "viewless". We had lots of pretty sights along the way.
The coupe do gris? Supper with Friends!
Link to the rest of the pictures
Trails: Blueberry Ridge, Rollins, Dicey Mills, Walden, Wonalancet trails from Ferncroft
Well, we're getting down to the wire...today was for #40 and 41...we decided to try and tag our new "hobby" onto this hike: Geocaching. After some research, we found that there were 4 easily within our reach of this loop...
6:00 am, on the trail. It was quite dark when we started and there were some false starts as to which was the trail...and which was a driveway. Luckily, things were quite well marked...but difficult to see in the dark.
We hit our first geocache find very early (right at the Dicey Mill/Blueberry Ridge cut of convergence) and continued up the ridge. By the time we broke out of the woods the first time, it was quite light...with beautiful early morning sunshine. I really thought I was in Camden for a moment there

We were loving it...after a while we came to...the stone steps. Really pretty...but, they just kept going and going and going. Really? seriously? Sigh...it seemed, however, that even the trail workers got tired of making stairs and they just stopped
It was a lot of fun, I had just decided that morning (well, actually, while TRYING to get back to sleep earlier that morning) that we should bring our microspikes. Bobby laughed at me...but, then:

Not only that...but, from the view...you could clearly see that winter had hit Mt. Washington

Not that we needed them, but, hey...better safe than sorry. I figured, what with the really ledgy section to come, and the fact that there WAS ice, it was best. Don't want to be twarted on #40 or 41 becuase of something like this!
Anyway, kept going and got TO the ledges...they were dry...but...um...the trail is where? Good thing for winter hikers...their scritcy marks helped us along. The views from here were spectacular:

We navigated the ledges and got to the final junction before heading to the summit...oh...what? we missed the summit? Surprise. I guess, since there aren't any other trails here...and we're going down...we can cound this is #40...yeah us. Passaconaway, here we come!
Walking along, discussing important things like, what our final summit will be, teenage drivers, geocaching, etc. i saw this:

um...let's talk LOUDER and get our butskies in gear! We were alone on the trail at this point in time...and, well, hubby kept saying "hold on, do you hear that?"..."NOPE!!! let's just keep moving"!
Finaly, another hiker went by...since he came from where we were going...and he had all his limbs...I figured we were safe...
We were really enjoying this trail...easy, nice woods, awesome. At a little lookout almost to the "summit" of Passaconaway...we say where we had come from. I don't know about you, but this ALWAYS impresses me...we actually came THAT far? Love it!

The summit of Passaconaway was...well...I think there. Ok...#41. Time to find our two big geocaches!
Came to the "viewpoint" discussed in the geocache description and spent some time enjoying that. i especially enjoyed that I KNEW what these mountains were (that's a big deal to me
Found the other two geocaches we had planned to look for (interestingly, in this one was a "coin" that travels around. When we logged it into the geocaching web site, we found out it had been in circulation since 2008...and that it originated from the Netherlands...it had traveled around Germany, Netherlands, Amsterdam and all over the US. It would soon be coming to Maine for a visit).
This was a great trip...and, despite the fact that the summits were "viewless". We had lots of pretty sights along the way.

The coupe do gris? Supper with Friends!
Link to the rest of the pictures