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Sep 6, 2003
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New Hampshire
I am down to three peaks for the 48 and have decided to get organized and finish in the next week or two. Whiteface is on the list, any suggestions on trails and does anyone want to tag along? Time and dates are flexible.
Blueberry Ledge Trail is easily the best way to do Whiteface - it goes over the ledges that give it its name, and the actual summit is a nothing knob on the Rollins Trail. Make sure you have a good day, because the views from the ledges are spectacular and also because they're a bit hairy. (One useful set of ladders up a rock slab was removed - Wilderness regs. I assume). You want to do them dry.

I did the loop that way then over the Rollins Trail to Dicey's Mill and Passaconaway earlier today, with my daughter who needed them both for her NH 48. If you only need Whiteface, an up-and-back on Blueberry Ledge would be best, I think. You can create variety by taking Dicey's Mill/Tom Wiggin up, to a point way up on the Bl. Ledge Trail. (Wiggin is not as bad as as the "Not Recommended..." WODC Trail sign would suggest.) On the way down, you could take the Blueberry Ledge Cut-off, which tracks a ridge along the west side of the Wonalancet River.

One odd thing is that we met not a single hiker on the 8 or so miles from the beginning of the Blueberry Ledge Trail to the end of Rollins at a point on Dicey's Mill Trail, on a sublime day. D. Mill Trail, on the other hand, was pretty well populated.
I agree with Amicus. Did the Whiteface-Passaconaway loop a few weeks ago. Spectacular in nice weather. Certainly wouldn't want to come down BL in slick weather. I have come down BL in dry weather and it is not as bad as you might think when heading up. Note of caution, just make sure you continue to the summit of Whiteface. There is a small cairn marking it. Had I not headed down Rollins to Passaconaway I probably would not have reached the true summit. I actually stopped for lunch at a spot I thought was the summit only to find there was another slight dip and climb to the true summit. A good 1/4 past the south peak. Enjoy it.
kerry13 said:
I have come down BL in dry weather and it is not as bad as you might think when heading up. Note of caution, just make sure you continue to the summit of Whiteface. There is a small cairn marking it.

I agree that the BL descent is not so bad in dry weather - I did it myself earlier this summer on an out-and-back to the two Sleepers. The Whiteface summit cairn is small but unmistakeable - the good news is you don't have to go very far on the Rollins Trail, less than .2 mile I'd estimate.
Reading the AMC guide makes the ledges sound pretty intense; is this more difficult than say Huntington Ravine Trail?
Not even close to the Huntington Ravine. You'll be wowed in a couple sections but there is nothing really difficult. I don't like heights and I had no problems. Of course I didn't go to the edge of anything either. First time up the ledges I was intimidated a little because I didn't really know what lay ahead. Second time up was a piece of cake. Don't be overly concerned if the conditions are dry. Wet, it could be slick. Enjoy it.
Hunter said:
Reading the AMC guide makes the ledges sound pretty intense; is this more difficult than say Huntington Ravine Trail?

My one hike up the Huntington Ravine Trail was in '00 or '01, so it's not quite as fresh in my memory. Still, I would say the toughest spots on it are definitely tougher than the Blueberry Ledges. If you have done the H.R. Trail you shouldn't have any difficulty, but as I said you should do it on a clear, dry day.
I did Whiteface yesterday, the ledges were not an issue up or down. The views on the other hand were incredible! One more peak to complete the 48. Galehead on Saturday?
Hunter said:
I did Whiteface yesterday, the ledges were not an issue up or down. The views on the other hand were incredible! One more peak to complete the 48. Galehead on Saturday?

You had great weather and great ledges - I think the AMC caveats are more for hikers who may be doing them when there might be ice. Congrats in advance on completing the 48! Other commitments will keep me out of the Whites for a while.
The last time I did Whiteface (in May) I noticed that the Blueberry Ledge Cutoff was a lot drier than the parallel section of the Blueberry Ledge Trail itself. So, if the recent weather has been wet, I recommend the Cutoff.
Hunter said:
I did Whiteface yesterday, the ledges were not an issue up or down. The views on the other hand were incredible! One more peak to complete the 48. Galehead on Saturday?
Did you finish? I didn't see any TR ...
I just have Galehead to finish, but I just can't quite seem to make the time to get up there. I want to finish prior to the snows, maybe next week!