who is hiking saturday and where?


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New member
Dec 13, 2005
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south burlington, VT
just wondering who will be hiking and where on saturday.
have the day off, but need to be home for the xmas eve festivities. may hit something up in southern NH, (any suggestiong for a good southern NH hike would be great) quick hike just to get out.

its either hiking or dealing with masses and go snowboarding and spend $60.

cheers and happy holidays! :)
Hiking to many stores for truckloads of holiday-related stuff.
Hiking to in-laws to consume obscene quantities of comestibles and libations.
Hiking to midnight mass to listen to my son sing in the choir.
Hiking back home in the wee hours for more spirits and Santa's loot.
No sleep til Boxing Day.
Feliz Navidad, amigos.
Health, happiness, and long life to all.
My plans are sketchy at the moment. Most likely I will ski with my wife and friends on Saturday and Christmas. I would like to hike during the week sometime, yet I haven’t quite finalized which days would be best. Another troubling aspect is that my hiking partner is on the injured reserve list, so I will most like have to go solo, which doesn’t exactly thrill the wife. I do not have internet access up north so I cannot post looking for partners. Besides I’m leaving for NH around noon, so I have no way of arranging a hike with someone prior to leaving. Anyway, Merry Christmas!