Who's going to the Catskill 3500 dinner this Sat.?


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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2003
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I know there are a lot of VFTTer's who are getting patches this year..... :)
funkyfreddy said:
I know there are a lot of VFTTer's who are getting patches this year..... :)

Funkster, I'll be the first person getting my Winter Patch (aside from the possible exception of someone who finished in 2004/2005 season and was tardy). See you there!

Btw, there is a thread on this on that 'other' board too! :D
I'm helping on the litter pick up that morning and will go to the dinner....hopefully will hike Rusk on sunday..
Fred I will be there cheering on the recipients.
I think we are hiking Saturday to help celebrate the finish of the all season list with two friends.
This way we can come back next year and see some more friends receive patches.
Like they need anymore. :rolleyes:
There will be a good group this year.

See you Saturday