Wildcat Ridge out and back from ski area


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Date: March 5, 2009

Conditions and gear: There is plenty of snow on the ridge but it is pretty well packed in after today as at least 7 people snowshoed out to "A" peak and back today. Snowshoes, gaiters, and poles are ideal, but as long as there is no new snow you are probably OK with crampons. Biggest hassle is that you should plan on fighting spruce branches all the way because of the snow depth.

Trip Report: Beautiful sunny day with outstanding Presi views. Excellent outlook near summit of "C" peak with views to Mt Washington and also east to the Baldpate Circle and Maine. I skinned up on tele skis and carried snowshoes. The ridge trail is not amenable to skiing, but I did save quite a bit of time and energy skiing down at the end of the day

Author: Steime

Email a.stein at comcast