Wildcats 1/20/08


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Double Bow

New member
Apr 29, 2005
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Ashuelot, NH (anyone know where that is?) Avatar:
Jeff and I have decided that we're definitely doing the Wildcats on Sunday. We'll be at Barnes the night before so if you're coming up for the gathering, come talk to us and hike with us the next day.

If you're just gonna come up Sunday, no worries. We ain't going to bed early on Saturday! PM me if interested.
Car spotting!*&%$& That's for sissys! :D

(DB & I did Wildcats a couple of years ago complete with the roadwalk, that part was miserable.... :( )

Glad you learned
Right now I am only 50% sure I can make it. I hope the steep climb up from the 19 mile is easier in winter. I know it can be slippery when only just wet. If I am definately going, I'll post again.
