Wildcats & Carters, Thursday - 12/31/2009


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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Nashua, NH
On Thursday, 12/31, we’re planning to hike a traverse of The Wildcats and Carters from PNVC via Wildcat Ridge Trail, Carter-Moriah Trail, N. Carter Trail, and IMP Trail.

We plan to start early from PNVC. Our pace is moderate, which is usually around book time. With the current conditions we expect the hike to run ~25% over book time.

If you’re interested in joining the fun or want additional details; please respond to this thread or by PM.

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This hike is still on as advertised. We plan to arrive at PNVC around 5:45am, spot a vehicle at the trailhead lot for Nineteen Mile Brook, and return to PNVC for the hike.

We hope to be on-trail 6:30am-ish.

If you are unable to respond to this thread feel free to just show up and find us. We'll be at PNVC for a short time getting ready to hike.

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I was with Earl & Sue today. we thought we saw fresh tracks a few times today but alas we didn't see anyone until we hit Carter Notch. I did find a Canon lens cap near D peak, is it yours?
I was with Earl & Sue today. we thought we saw fresh tracks a few times today but alas we didn't see anyone until we hit Carter Notch. I did find a Canon lens cap near D peak, is it yours?

We were slow getting up this morning so we did not summit d until around ~10. We did follow your tracks across the ridge though. Thanks for breaking trail!