Wildcats Jan 30 or 31


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Active member
Jan 19, 2009
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Westbrook, ME
I'd like to hike the Wildcats Friday or Saturday, Jan 30 or 31. Weather dictates day but I'm leaning toward Saturday. Up Wildcat Ridge Trail down 19 Mile. I've never done WRT and understand that it's a bit challenging in spots so solo doesn't sound like the best of choices.

PM or append if any interest. Thanks..
....or better yet

With the recent snow I'm thinking it might be best give things a chance to settle before hitting the steeps on this one.
Haven't done this in the winter, but did it last fall. Some concerns would be the trip up Wildcat E. There are some ledges with steps pinned to the rock that would be tricky in icy situations. A good snowfall, though, might actually make it a bit easier than just ice on the rock. Some people go up the ski trail to Wildcat D to avoid this.

Another concern would be the slide crossing coming down from Wildcat A. Some people have roped themselves to a tree to do this, others have used an ice axe to get safely across. Some others just decide to skip this whole trip in the winter. ;) It's probably fine most of the time but I wouldn't want to be there alone.
If you find yourself lying in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the Wildcat A slide, that's probably the time you'll hope the answer to that is "no". ;)
The ski slope is an option jut to get to the peaks but I would like to try the trail if conditions are right and there's someone else there to discuss options/belay/aid as needed (or to report on the rumpled heap for insurance purposes).

I'm sure there are others who've done it this year or before that can provide beta.
I just broke out the Wildcat Ridge Trail from the top of the ski area to A peak tonight. In the very least, you should be able to do an out and back via the ski area (nothing technical along that stretch, just a few steep parts). Another possibility might be to do a traverse, ascending the ski area and descending down to Carter Notch (much easier way to break out that long .7 miles of trail going downhill from A Peak to the notch, from there I imagine it's already broken out).
I've talked with someone who has hiked up the Wildcat Ridge Trail from rte 16 in winter and it was very, very challenging, requiring a number of changes from snowshoes to crampons and back again. And it took a looong time.

Last February I hiked up 19MB and then up WRT with a group. WRT had not been broken out at all up to A peak. The slide was a non-issue; it was all snow. I think it's more of a problem when there have been lots of thaws and freezes turning it into a sheet of ice.

I've heard of a couple of groups, and I think it may be a trend, who ascend via the Polecat ski trail, traverse over to A peak and then retrace their steps. It avoids the steep, strenuous ends of Wildcat Ridge and is probably the safest way to do it (particularly if you're solo).
The ski slope is an option jut to get to the peaks but I would like to try the trail if conditions are right and there's someone else there to discuss options/belay/aid as needed (or to report on the rumpled heap for insurance purposes).

I'm sure there are others who've done it this year or before that can provide beta.

I know what you mean about wanting to do it by the Wildcat Ridge trail. This is why I did it in the fall, with Brian (NewHampshire) on his "trail cleanup day" - he is the trail adopter for part of the WRT. I could have done it by the ski slope, but I wanted to do it at a time of year where I could get the "full experience" of the whole WRT.