Will Climb Katahdin for Food


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Nov 14, 2003
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Canton, NY. Avatar: Mt. Washington in Winter:
Seriously though, I'll provide my own food. For weeks, someone has been trying to assemble a group of 4 or more for a day hike of Hamlin and Baxter Peaks this Winter. I may be the only definite she has on the list, and I have doubts that this will happen.
I'd like to do these two, or North Brother, or both, this winter or next. So to increase my chances of getting there, I'm just putting this out here. If you're trying to put together a group and don't have 4, or want more than 4 in case someone can't make it at the last moment, or you just compulsively adopt strays, here I am.
For Katahdin, I'm thinking in terms of a day hike. I don't want to pay the fees for an in-park overnighter weeks in advance, drive 500 miles, then lose the fee because the weather is bad on the intended dates. I've been focussed on K, so I haven't looked into how people do North Brother.
It's 500 miles from my town to Millinocket, so Friday and Saturday would be driving days for me, and I'd be able to climb Sunday or Monday. However, the university I work for has Spring Break during the week starting Monday, March 17, so I could climb Sunday through Wednesday, 3/16-19, that week. (Winter officially ends at 12:48AM on Thursday 3/20)
You'll need a good bit of info about me before you can be sure I'd be good for your group. For now, here's some, but feel free to ask for more.
I need 14 more peaks for my 3rd Adk 46 Winter round. I climbed the other 11 4k peaks in Maine last winter in December. Here's a report of one of those hikes: http://www.vftt.org/trail/me/930.html This winter I've climbed 6 of the Whites. See http://www.vftt.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20127 for the most recent climb. That one put me at 81/115W.
Katahdin is a haul, regardless. No approach guarantees success. No telling what the weather might be. It's just another summit. I decided to use Acadia Mountain Guides and do the overnight at Abol Camp for Abol Slide. I think this was a good decision and a reasonable expense. You'll need to drive the 1000 miles and spend the time there, regardless. Fantastic if you summit, great trip if you don't. There are peaks, views and approaches just as nice, closer to home, if you're just looking for mountain time.
spencer said:
insert coughing sound here...
I hear you. Obviuosly I wanted it. It's not "just" another summit.
But in the spectrum of hikes, others do compare. That's my only point.

You do good work up there Spencer.
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yeaaaa. I don't know. Baxter sure stands out as different to me than the whites at least. I have never been to the ADK's so can't compare.

A baxter winter summit feels different - at least it did to me. Its more prep, more unknowns like weather, etc.. Its almost like planning a trip out west - you have to plan, hope for the best and and deal with what it gives you.
kind of adds to the adventure of it all if you ask me.

I don't know - I think you have to go there with the attitude that the summit is an optional bonus, being in baxter in winter is worth the trip.

I am heading there in a couple of weeks for a few days - a summit would be nice, but to me baxter is more than checking off a list. I would take just getting a nice hike or climb in and turning around.
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Many moons ago while hitchhiking in the Whites, someone who gave me a ride said Mt. Katahdin was the most beautiful mountain East of the Rockies, (I hadn't been there yet) so far I've gotta agree.
MarkL said:
For Katahdin, I'm thinking in terms of a day hike. I don't want to pay the fees for an in-park overnighter weeks in advance, drive 500 miles, then lose the fee because the weather is bad on the intended dates. I've been focussed on K, so I haven't looked into how people do North Brother.
This was kind of what I was referring to in my answer; MarkL is going to dedicate a week to this, drive 1100 or 1200 miles, maybe not summit or maybe summits with no views, and he wants to make the attempt as a day hike. This was my first trip to BSP and I enjoyed it, it's a beautiful area and a great mountain, but the whole ride and hike up I was thinking about the ride home. Instead of attempting this as a one day hike or even an overnighter in the park, I think you either have to give the trip it's due, like Jay H did, or maybe decide it'd make more sense to do something closer to home.
I have to agree with Giggy. For me much of the allure of Katadhin or any of the 4ks in Baxter has less to do with climbing them and more to do with overall factors that have to be in your favor to attempt them.

Northern interior Maine is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited --the boreal forest is magical. I have backpacked nearly all of the AT in Maine, but I haven't been north of Gulf Hagas on the AT yet, and I am looking forward to making several trips to BSP in 2008, as well as spending time in the 100 Mile Wilderness.

MarkL I think it will be worth it for you if you are going primarily to see and experience Baxter in Winter and make Katadhin a secondary objective.
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I agree that Katahdin is special. Years ago someone just coming back from there told me "If you ever get the chance, GO!" Two or three years later the chance came along, and I climbed Baxter in July, just before doing the 100 Mile Wilderness. I thought that the best part of the VFTT was what I could see of the other parts of the mountain itself, rather than what I could seen in the distance. Granted, there was distant haze, but the view of the Knife Edge and looking down into the basin or valley to the north would be hard to beat.
Unless the AMC allows my 2 extra Winter Marcys and 4 extra Winter Haystacks as a trade for Baxter, Hamlin, N. Brother,(all Winter) and a six pack of Moxie(cold), I'll need to actually drive there and climb them.:)
With the day hike option, I think there's more freedom in choosing whether to make the drive or not. I wouldn't have those pre-paid fees screaming "use us or lose us" while a Nor'easter of dubious intent is just off the coast.
Thanks Giggy and una_dogger for those reminders of the need for pre-trip attitude adjustments. Being mindful that at any time the weather could change and send us back down not only makes it more of an adventure, but it makes it easier to resist the urge to go on when safety is calling for a turn-around.
Baxter this winter

Hi Mark!

Réjean has a trip planned for 1, 8 or 15 March 2008 depending on weather. We are presently 4 but I don't see why he would refuse you joining in. Send him a private message. He is listed on members list as Rejean.

I presume you are a strong winter hiker as it's going to be a long strenuous 20m+ day to tag both Katahdin & Hamlin; hopefully without too much trail breaking to do.

Also, if you are hard core take note that Rejean wants to do on day 2 another 25m+ day hike to tag N. Brother. As for myself I will shy away from day 2 trip. Therefore provided the other 2 are in, a 4th member for day 2 will be welcomed with open arms.

Here's a brief report, by PigPen, of the trip I was invited to join.
He described it very well when he said we won the weather lottery. AS we drove to Abol Bridge and when we started skiing, Mt. Katahdin had some clouds around it. By the time we got to Abol Stream they were pretty much gone. By the time we were on the slide and exposed to the wind, the ambient temperature was high enough so we could stay warm. On the Tableland and summits the winds were stronger, but again, the temp was high enough that if we didn't stop long, we stayed quite warm. It was a big part of the whole experience to see little clouds of snow whipped along the ground and to have to lean sideway into the wind while walking across (and up!) long stretches of what looked like arctic wastelands.
Spectacular mountain, spectacular hike!