Date of Hike: 5/23-5/25/2009
Trail Conditions:
Hancock Notch Trail - great shape
Cedar Brook Trail - great shape until wilderness boundary, then a muddy, mucky mess
gets better after the rocky section ends.
Wilderness Trail - a bit of mud, not bad at all. A bit hard to follow as we approached
Carrigain Notch.
Shoal Brook Trail - a muddy mess, many blowdowns.Hard to follow at some of the
stream crossings.
Ethan Pond Trail - like a super highway after the wilderness trails. Smooth rolling into
the shelter. Easy hike from shelter to Willey Range Trail
Willey Range Trail - Fine shape all around. This is a really impressively constructed trail.
Fair amount of snow after Willey but pretty solid.
A-Z Trail - Mud, muck, rain, rotten snow. Gets much better near hut but the first half
was no fun at all.
Zealand Trail - Short portion from A-Z to hut was in great shape.
Twinway - From hut to Guyot was in good shape. Stretches of rotten snow were a pain
but no treaction was needed.
Bondcliff - A bit of rotten snow from Twinway to West Bond. Beautiful shape all the way
from West Bond to Wilderness Trail.
Special Equipment Required: Poles were nice for the crossings and rotten snow. No traction
needed at all. Waterproof boots may have been nice but I did fine with trail runners.
Comments: 3 day backpack through the Pemi. Saw almost no other hikers outside of the campsites even on Holiday weekend.. If you ever want to make the Wilderness Trail not seem bad, try finishing a hike off of the Bonds with the 8 mile slog up the Cedar Brook Trail. Man that seemed long at the end of a long weekend.
Photos at http://www.sheeprocks.com
Your name: Bill and Sheep
Your E-mail address: [email protected]
Trail Conditions:
Hancock Notch Trail - great shape
Cedar Brook Trail - great shape until wilderness boundary, then a muddy, mucky mess
gets better after the rocky section ends.
Wilderness Trail - a bit of mud, not bad at all. A bit hard to follow as we approached
Carrigain Notch.
Shoal Brook Trail - a muddy mess, many blowdowns.Hard to follow at some of the
stream crossings.
Ethan Pond Trail - like a super highway after the wilderness trails. Smooth rolling into
the shelter. Easy hike from shelter to Willey Range Trail
Willey Range Trail - Fine shape all around. This is a really impressively constructed trail.
Fair amount of snow after Willey but pretty solid.
A-Z Trail - Mud, muck, rain, rotten snow. Gets much better near hut but the first half
was no fun at all.
Zealand Trail - Short portion from A-Z to hut was in great shape.
Twinway - From hut to Guyot was in good shape. Stretches of rotten snow were a pain
but no treaction was needed.
Bondcliff - A bit of rotten snow from Twinway to West Bond. Beautiful shape all the way
from West Bond to Wilderness Trail.
Special Equipment Required: Poles were nice for the crossings and rotten snow. No traction
needed at all. Waterproof boots may have been nice but I did fine with trail runners.
Comments: 3 day backpack through the Pemi. Saw almost no other hikers outside of the campsites even on Holiday weekend.. If you ever want to make the Wilderness Trail not seem bad, try finishing a hike off of the Bonds with the 8 mile slog up the Cedar Brook Trail. Man that seemed long at the end of a long weekend.
Photos at http://www.sheeprocks.com
Your name: Bill and Sheep
Your E-mail address: [email protected]