Willey Range hike


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Sep 9, 2005
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Boston, MA Avatar: on Owl's Head summit
I'm going to the Willey range trail on Monday. Possible routes are Kedron Flume to the WRT, Mt.Tom spur, A to Z, Avalon and Rte. 302 back to the car. Second route maybe Avalon to the WRT, hit the peaks, then backtrack to Tom spur, A to Z and Avalon. I appreciate any input, and if anyone is looking to get out, the more the merrier.
My recommendations:
1) Crawford Depot up to Mt. Tom via Avalon and A-Z trails. Then hit Field and Willey on the Willey Range Trail. Then backtrack to the Avalon Trail just north of Mt. Field and summit Avalon on your way back to Crawford Depot. Mt. Avalon has about the best views of the 4 peaks. No car spot needed.

2) Sustitute the Ethan Pond Trail for the Kedron Flume Trail. I haven't hiked Kedron Flume but I understand it's a rough trail, not near as nice as the Ethan Pond trail.
NH_Mtn_Hiker said:
My recommendations:
1) Crawford Depot up to Mt. Tom via Avalon and A-Z trails. Then hit Field and Willey on the Willey Range Trail. Then backtrack to the Avalon Trail just north of Mt. Field and summit Avalon on your way back to Crawford Depot. Mt. Avalon has about the best views of the 4 peaks. No car spot needed.

I agree with NH_Mtn_Hiker. I did it this way Memorial Day weekend and it was a nice fun hike, 10 mile total and you can throw in Avalon too, not a 4 ker but nice views, for little extra effort. The other option, if you don't find someone to hike with, is stach a bike at the depot area and do you original plan up Kendron and across to Tom and down to the depot. With the bike it is an easy coast back to your car. Just make sure the bike has working brakes or you may be walking back the other way. If you were doing it on a weekend I'd say you could easily hitch a ride back to car from the depot as there are many willing hikers who would give you a ride. Have a nice hike.
My wife and I are planning to do the Willey range on Monday with a start at Kedron Flume and an exit at Crawford Depot for the road walk back. We're not fast hikers, so I doubt we'd be good hiking partners, but maybe we can arrange something so that we both can avoid the road walk?

Let me know if you are interested. :)