Willey Range Loop from Crawford Notch, 1/30/2010


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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Nashua, NH
Tomorrow, Saturday (1/30/2010) Sue and I are hiking the Willey Range. Anybody want to join the fun?

The latest check shows terrific conditions are expected for the hike.

We’re planning a later start than usual with an on-trail target of 8:00am.

We hike a moderate pace. The late start should have us back out to Crawford Notch between 5:00 and 6:00pm.

If you’re interested in joining the fun or have any questions, please respond to this thread or by PM.

Wish we could join ya..

..but work has reared it ugly head..I had to cut short the loop a few weeks ago so i need Willey..enjoy! Keith (Lefty E)
We were planning on doing this tomorrow as well. However, we're postponing...

Zero degrees at 4000 feet with 20-30mph winds. That's frostbite in 30 minutes or less if there's any exposed skin.


We have all the right gear, but if I miss one bit of skin when trying to make sure Alex is covered, then my kid gets hurt and I can't let that happen. I know most of the hike is in the trees, but it still makes me very uncomfortable.

Oh well, was looking forward to running into you again, maybe one of these days.
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Thanks Keith. We have a good group coming together for this one.

I'm looking forward to it.

See you in the morning.

In case there is confusion, various sites and products of the National Weather Service are showing the following for midday tomorrow at the elevation of the Willey Range. These guys aren't always right but they may be the best we have.

Winds: West/northwest at 20mph

Midday Temp: 5 degrees (midday is roughly when we’ll reach the ridge & summit of Field)

Before reaching the ridge, the terrain should block the wind plus we should have the morning sun on our backs. We’ll be approaching from the east side of the ridge and the wind will be coming from the west/northwest, which should mean very comfortable conditions.

On the ridge, the Willey Range Trail is generally in thick conifers and well protected from the wind. There are a couple small places between Field and Willey that are more open. The summit clearings will probably be a little drafty. The section between Field and Tom is very well protected.

The exit from Mount Tom should again be very sheltered by the terrain.
