Willy & Field from Kedron Flume TH


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From Kedron Flume TH to Willy trail in summer conditions. No blowdowns, simple brook crossings, and occasional wet/muddy spots in the steep areas, such as the trail above the Kedron Flume. From Willy to Flume the trail is in good shape with occasional soft spots and several stretches of old monorail, in one place 2-3 feet deep. No problems for hikers or dogs although the mighty tough little dog hesitated as always when first reaching the stairs. I wouldn’t report on this except that I ran into the nice volunteer working on Kedron Flume and I’m pretty sure she was clobbered by the T storm I drove into 10 minutes from leaving the TH. These trail adopters are a good part of why trail reports in the summer often aren’t important. Thanks to all of you. I carry a Garmin folding saw for blowdowns after reading Rocket 21’s reports and use it often, but its no substitute for trail work. It would take a pro trail crew to fix the steep eroding spots. There were a lot of very nice people on the trail today - hope they’re dry by now.