Windmills getting closer to the Whites - Jericho Mountain project -Berlin

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
I saw this posting on the NH SEC site. These turbines appear to be sitting immediately adjacent to the WMNF.

On October 3, 2012, Atlantic Design Engineers, Inc. on behalf of Jericho Power,
LLC (Applicant), filed a Motion for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to N.H. CODE OF
ADMINISTRATIVE RULES, SITE 203.1 with the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee
(Committee). The Applicant seeks to construct a wind energy facility (Facility) consisting
of up to three (3) turbines on the western slope of Jericho Mountain in Berlin, NH. The
Applicant anticipates that the Project will have a rated capacity between 4.95 and 8.55
megawatts. The Applicant requests the Committee to issue an Order stating that the
Committee’s review of the Project would not be required. Further information regarding
the Motion, together with the aerial site plan and USGS map of the Project’s location,
are available for review at the office of the Chairman of the Committee (set out above)
and on the Committee’s website:

These turbines will be quite noticable from the Northern Presidentials and the Mahoosucs as well as from The kilkenny ridge trail and possibly the Pond of Safety area. The area appears to be adjacent to the Jericho ATV park. There were prior attempt to put smaller turbines in this area previously but three turbines with that output means the proposed ones are very large units like those installed in Millsfield.

Here is a link to the referenced USGS map, at the end of the document.

The odd thing not discussed is the lack of current electric transmission capacity in the Berlin area. There are currently potential issues when there isn inadequate cacacity to send power out of the area. This potentially will get worse when the Berlin Biomass plant goes on line so I dont know how this wind project will be able to get the power out of the area.
An update, the wind turbine project for Jericho mountain in Berlin was approved. Unlike other projects in the state, this one is not subject to the state wide State Evaluation Commission so it was a local approval. The permits are for 6 towers, five 400 foot towers and one 500 foot tower. These will be quite visible from Adams, Madison and Jefferson as well ad the Crescent range and the western Mahoosucs. The initial project is for 3 turbines.

I dont know when they will go in as I am not sure how they plan to get the power to the grid as the current transmission system in the area is already maxed out and in need of a $400 million dollars investment.