Winter 2007/2008 Random Musings

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2005
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The Hinterlands of North Central MA
<begin random musing>

I did something this winter that I *vowed* I would never do....I forsake the crowds, the noise, the artificial structures....and I learned to downhill ski. :)

I am now an addict, trying to get every last fix I can before the snow is gone for another year.

I used to look at open slopes on mountainsides in horror ...oh the injustice and the disregard for nature! Now I just want to find a steeper and longer one to carve my way down.

I feared that spending the winter on a chairlift would surely cause me to lose I have gained so much new strength through skiing that I am trailrunning again, something I haven't been able to build back after a back injury in Winter 2005.

Similar to the personal journey and challenge I feel when climbing a tough peak or trekking long miles, skiing presented for me, a new opportunity to challenge myself -- physically and mentally. With every run, I wanted to get better. With every run, I coached myself to be more precise, more a part of the mountain and snow and air. Soon I couldn't stop myself. Every week I'd watch the weather and secretly plan a ski trip. I knew MichaelJ would be easy to convince. :p

I skied the bunny slope, then the greens, then the blues, then the blacks, and now the easy glades. I went from easy mountains to hard mountains and back to easy mountains again--always seeking the best conditions, from packed powder to deep fresh ungroomed wonder-snow. From skied-off bare ice headwalls to granular pellets to mashed potato mush. It was always different. Always fun, as hard or as easy as I wanted it to be.

To answer a question I was asked yesterday, "Yes, David, I do call myself a skier now"!

<end random musing>
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Just remember that you can take the skiing off lift-assisted facilities anytime you want. :cool:

...skiing presented for me, a new opportunity to challenge myself -- physically and mentally. With every run, I wanted to get better. With every run, I coached myself to be more precise, more a part of the mountain and snow and air. Soon I couldn't stop myself.
Bad news... don't think that it will ever change. You'll become a good skier, but will always want to get better.

More advise: stay with lessons and also learn to tune your skis -- keep them in tuned conditions always. It makes a world of difference.
Right on...welcome to the addiction. Remember skiing comes in different forms which means all different types of skiis....don't forget to think outside the realm of the resort. Keep sliding and don't forget to have fun!
You really aced it this year - it's been amazing watching you go from the beginner "Meadows" area at Waterville to racing down Zealand, Waumbek, and Starr King at Bretton Woods. Plus your first glades this past weekend, and throughout just all different kinds of conditions. *wicked proud of you*

Wait until the first day you walk into a ski shop to get a tune done ... it's a heady feeling.

I have to say, one of the other draws to me for skiing lift-served is that I can just put on my gear and go. If I get cold or hungry, I just stop in the lodge for a bit. Were I to get injured, ski patrol is around somewhere. I was starting to get a little paranoid on my winter hikes about food, shelter, clothing, water, etc. and it's very liberating to hit a ski area and just have fun without pack or worries.

Yay, she's a skier! More time together on the mountain for us! Next stop - something big out West.
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Did you see last months adirondack explorer magazine? Cover page was titled "ski to die!" :eek: Now you wil have to start a new list and ski down all the peaks. ;)
Who was it that skied the NH 48? Wasn't it someone on this board?
Thanks everyone!

MJ and I watched the movie "steep" last night and Oy! Wowza!

I would like to try telemark next year... :D

Big mountain skiing in Colorado is definately happening!
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una_dogger said:
Thanks everyone!

Mj and I watched the movie "steep" last night and oy! Wowza!

I would like to try telemark next year

Big mountain skiing in Colorado is definately happening

A board in Alaska will open your eyes too. :eek: :eek: :cool:
You have my sympathies, Una_Dogger

Welcome to the ranks of the hardcore and truly addicted, Sabrina. No question, once you're hooked, most other things in life are subordinated in favor of just a few more runs. Friends who don't ski? See you in May... Household chores? That's why God made duct-tape. Achy knees? Sprained thumbs? Sore shoulders from high-speed crashes? A little Vitamin I, you can get through it.

The truly bad part, though, you're about to experience: the desolation when the season ends. Sure, you can extend things a bit by hiking and skiing, but even that ends all too soon, and then you're staring down the barrel of an interminable six months until snow flies again.

I knew I had found a soul-mate in a new friend when he admitted to me quietly last April that he tears up and feels bereft on the last day of the season. I do. I know it's stupid, but I do. When Nancy and the kids and I know it's our last run, we all gather together for a big hug, then we ski down making as many turns as we can, savoring it, missing it already, but knowing that November will come again, and we'll be back on the snow again.

A few things that might help get you through it (yes, I have done them all, and still do, somewhat obsessively):

* Put a snowball in the freezer, and take it out once in a while over the summer... kind of a touchstone.

* Watch a few ski films on summer evenings. They have the power to transport (or at least distract). Anything by Warren Miller (or at least, anything from Storm on back), or anything by Meathead Films will do.

* Take up mountain biking... long slogs uphill are great conditioning, but the real payoff is coming back down, when it turns into a gravity sport, fast and flowing. Tight, rolling single-track requires much of the same concentration as skiing the steeps, and is almost as much fun.

Based on your post, I am sorry to say it's too late for you, your life is good and messed up. Welcome to the clan.
The addiction

I understand it well..The addiction of speed and wind...a carving turn that pops you into the next one....

and if you're doing Zealand and Waumbek you're skiing at my place..

I was up there twice last week and look forward to further softening for what will be epic...there's that word again..spring conditions on the natural snow trails...see...Coos..Aggazziz..Grannies..shhhhh...Herbs is a secret..and my fav last run of the day...No Regrets..well because you never do ..and run out under the chair

Hopefully you got a few runs down Coos Caper..the best trail there..

It has been a struggle this year as the hiking bug bit me big...over 20 winter 4's this year with a few dupes....Cut my ski days down from average of 50 the last 6 years to 20 or so this year

However..the anticipation of the ski season in September when the passes arrive...the first runs bring it all back and everyone is smiling....

That windless bluebird zero degree day in January with 5 inches of champagne on top of cord...sorry folks no more bumps for this guy....

While I look forward to spring days with temps in the 50's cruising in a windshirt with no gloves..putting on sunscreen 2 or 3 is hard to get as excited about hiking as it is something done all the time..there is less anticipation.....I will miss the skis and give them to my buddy to tune up and wax for summer storage...dry out the boots and stick them in a corner..

Should be good lift serviced skiing to the end..which I think for most places is4/13..enjoy

Welcome to the club.....
Hey Silver Fox!

Coos was my very first blue. :) An instructor took me there for my first blue during a private lesson at BW. Really nice guy. :D

We were at BW saturday and it was awesome, although the lift lines were long..something to do with a big mob of tele-skiers!

I did hit Herb's secret and that's a nice run. Lotsa fun. So was Jacob's Ladder, with the baby moguls at the bottom. Deception Bowl was really fun, as was Little Tuckermans! I did Bodie's Run just under the headwall, coming in off Zealand. I meant to go back and ski it from the top later in the day when the ice crust had softened but we didn't get back there. As it was, at 3:50 we were getting on the lift for another run of Starr King. We decided to ski it as fast as we could so we could squeeze in one more ride on the lift. We made it!!! Zoom....

So far, Sunday River is my favorite ski area. I like that you can ski all over the darn place, hitching rides on lifts from one peak to the next. I think my favorite trail there is Rogue Angel because it has all those interesting drops, with Lazy River in second for its cool winding path through the woods and interesting drops. Hmmm...I think I find drops interesting... I also really like Escapade, that was my first blue there and I skiied it over and over when I first tried it. I really enjoyed Sunday Punch at SR off Barker, it was really steep in spots and all icy and skiied off, so that was daunting, but I just took it one step at a time, sometimes side sliding, others traversing the ice patches --which were immense. I can't wait to try it when its covered with snow. ;)
take me to the river


I journeyed to the River for years..because of the drive usually went for 2 days..(Rostay a pretty good deal)
You are certainly hitting the trails I like..Rogue..Escapade first thing in the morning when the sun hits it...Risky is probably my fav there now as the long slow ride up the triple gives me an opportunity to breathe again..Same goes for can look pretty good on that...

Switched to Bretton a while back ....closer and more suitable to my current style..which would be carving on groomed slopes..skiing there tuesdays with the Presidentials in the one on the makes you realize how lucky we are....
Risky is awesome. The day after our big pow dump, there was a lot of high wind in the morning with lifts on hold. When I saw the Spruce Triple turning, I took my leave of una_dogger and buzzed over there to "hang out" with a few people. Before long, we had a huge line behind us. I ended up 5th chair overall (first 2 were patrol) and when I got off quickly buzzed ahead of the others to take first tracks screaming (figuratively AND literally) down Risky Business on that corduroy, alternating windblown crispy to softly filled-in. Wow. A wonderful, adrenalin-filled counterpoint to the previous day's slower-but-seriouser approach, doing all the great glades, Flying Monkey, Celestial, Wizard's Gulch, Blind Ambition, and everything at Oz except for Ruby Palace. :D
Do make sure that you hit the slopes in the spring on a wonderful, blue-bird day!! It really makes all the effort during the winter worth it. I always feel gypped if I don't get one or two of them... sometimes there are weekend after weekend's of them!! :cool: (Don't forget the sun-screen.)

skiguy said:
A board in Alaska will open your eyes too.
Is that insane or what?? Every time I see that I go nuts... it's anti-gravity stuff coming down off the top!!
bubba said:
Do make sure that you hit the slopes in the spring on a wonderful, blue-bird day!! It really makes all the effort during the winter worth it. I always feel gypped if I don't get one or two of them... sometimes there are weekend after weekend's of them!! :cool: (Don't forget the sun-screen.)

Hey una...
somewhat an old forum however..
I am hoping that you made it out for some springtime butter soft turns..

yesterday at Stowe
today at Bretton Woods

what spring skiing is all about

piles of loose ball bearing snow in the busy spots to blast through

a puddle or 2 at the lifts..

the trails softened to butter left on the counter overnight..smooth soft and can hear it hiss..thats' when you know its good..I got several runs in at both places where no one else had been on the trails..I guess that's why they close it up pretty soon so

GET OUT THERE and enjoy!!
You are living the life, Silverfox! Glad you had a great day at Bretton!

Funny you should mention skiing! Had free lift tix for Sunday River and skied last Sunday. Tough conditions, heavy wet mush down low and icy, scratchy up high with poor visibility but still a thrill!

Contemplated Waterville friday but am playing tourist in Boston instead (moved here 7 months ago and my only trip in was to raise a few **pints** in honor of Mat's Diretissima...a noble cause!)

I am considering hiking up & skiing down Waterville April 26 during the ASOD Event (see Rocks on Top), as well as tagging Tecumsah for NH 40 .
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spring skiing is a fickle beast..kind of like doing the Bonds
choose the right day

I did get lucky this week with 2 great days ..tomorrow will be good as to work sometime though

good today..terrible tomorrow..that is the way it goes...
last week we took 1 run at bretton..frozen powder..aka cement.. at 130 in the afternoon...was not going to get any better that day...

the best trail runs I find are when the temp stays above freezing...or very close..they groom it but the cord kind of fades away..a little bit of off white to the color of the snow..hit the edges..where no ski has gone before....

lean alot..

Tecumseh trip sounds interesting...there will be plenty of snow I am sure..maybe I can find a sherpa to lug up the boots and skis.....
Silverfox said:
Tecumseh trip sounds interesting...there will be plenty of snow I am sure..maybe I can find a sherpa to lug up the boots and skis.....

I'm pretty certain most of the group is riding down on thier @$$-Shingles-Of-Death AKA Swiss Bobs. I may be the only one planning to hike up, ski down, then go hike Tecumsah (proper, because I need the peak).

MichaelJ is video taping the ASODers.

Should be a fun day.

I'm not sure what I'll do for a warm up **grin**
