winter 4k record attempt?

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post'r boy

New member
Sep 19, 2003
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while bushwhackin' in the whites the other day i heard some whispering in the thick spruce that an attempt is in progress on the winter 4k record. could this be true?? no matter if it's broken or not, stinky and frodo are my pals and still the all time best!! :D
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post'r boy said:
while bushwhackin' in the whites the other day i heard some whispering in the thick spruce that an attempt is in progress on the winter 4k record. could this be true?? no matter if it's broken or not, stinky and frodo are my pals and still the all time best!! :D

if it's a certain someone who has "threatened" to break several other records, I wouldn't worry too much!

i ain't heard nuthin' and i been pokin' about. it'll be innerstin' to see who it is though. the only one i know with a chance is brother seaver unless the dog done snuck back in for some cold weather hikin'. frodo and stinky don't have anything to worry about though i don't think! :D :rolleyes: :cool: :p :)
spencer said:
if it's a certain someone who has "threatened" to break several other records, I wouldn't worry too much!

No, this certain someone is not.

I've heard chatter several times about Tim Seaver planning this so I assume it's either him or someone we haven't heard of or nobody. Maybe it's Justice Souter.

-Dr. Wu
Actually, that was me and Justice Dave (Dave Justice?) who set out to break the record. We did it in 3 days 2hrs and 17min. It would have been faster but, my knee was hurting from last weekend and I'm getting over strep throat. We just got back and we had a lovely time. He makes the best chicken noodle soup! :D

We passed someone else who was trying for it (or not) and smacked 'im (not Seaver) in the back of the head as we went running past! Hee hee!!! ;)
DoubleBow is pulling your was me - I broke the record...I did it alone even though I tore up a quad...I carried on in great pain, but I did it... :eek: What is really amazing is I usually do not hike book time, but somehow I just had a great three days...
Do I get a special patch? :D
Next week after the baby is born I am going to try and break the spring record (there was one?) :D
bruno said:
i ain't heard nuthin' and i been pokin' about. it'll be innerstin' to see who it is though. the only one i know with a chance is brother seaver unless the dog done snuck back in for some cold weather hikin'. frodo and stinky don't have anything to worry about though i don't think! :D :rolleyes: :cool: :p :)
hey bruno
i think you forgot to mention cath goodwin