With apologies to our Canadian neighbors


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
A cretin treated us to some un-neighborly comments aimed at our Canadian friends on the NY Trail Conditions. Because the coward didn't identify himself there, I'd invite him to take up the discussion with any of the moderators offline.

I posted this so that the poster will hopefully understand the contempt with which we view him. Also, that we have his I.P. address to run against our membership. Another post like this from the same address and we will report him to his I.S.P. for harassment of the site. I have many Canadian friends and this does not reflect how Americans view our next door neighbors.

"This is a US site and regardless of having Quebec members show enough respect to use the first language of the United States....this is not Canada we have to hear too much french on the trails in New York state as it is. Please leave your arrogance in Quebec and leave it at the border." Are you for real????!!!! The only arrogance on this web-site is the disrepectful person who posted this sterotypical remark. Have some respect for other people you uncultured loser. A simple "hey, could you post that in English?" would have been the smart thing to do. Use you brain and leave this arrogance off this web-site. Thank you".
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I cannot speak for New York since I have never hiked in that state, but I actually enjoy the international flavor of the Whites. I’ve gotten into trouble for a few misplaced comments as of late, yet one thing I am not, is ethnocentric. My wife, sister, Amy and I spent Saturday night at Greenleaf with a large Canadian contingent who were very nice and fit in well with the American guests. I also met several young French Canadian women on the hike up who were friendly, polite and eager to ask questions about the trail conditions. On the way down on Sunday morning I encountered another large French Canadian group who all acknowledged me as I passed. When Scoutmaster and I hiked the Franconia Ridge this winter we were the only Americans on the ridge that day.

I realize that this is an “American “board predominately used by Americans. I don’t, however, see anything wrong posting a trip report to “others” who share the same language. Like it or not, VFTT is the standard that people use for their trail information. If anything, it says all are welcome at VFTT. Red square away.
A surprising number of Canadians use the Whites too. Except for the occasional difficulty cutting through a thick accent, I find them no different than your average American hiker. They pays thems parking fees, so who cares what language they speak. As far as I am concerned....if they drove 4 plus hours to get there they have every right to hike it :D .

I agree completely. I have some good French Canadian friends. When I read the comments referred to in the first post it reminds me of how my Canadian friends can jump from one language to another, keeping the train of thought in both and including others around them.
I wonder if the person who is so critical can do the same in 2 languages?

I didn't see the original post, which I presumed in is French and live far from NY, but to the person who posted the retort that there is "too much French" on the trails in NY, all I can say is stay out of California, where in many neighborhoods, the first language isn't English, but Spanish. Exactly how much French is too much, anyway?

If you wonder why so many people in other countries hate Americans, comments like that one from this boob and the ignorance behind the comment is one of the reasons.
I began the thread for a couple of reasons. To emphasize that all are welcome in the VFTT community. Also, that the I.P. addresses of those who post on the Trail Conditions section are recordable.
To that end, its probably a good idea to close this before followups end up taking us too far afield from that.
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