WMNF Campgrounds opening?


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Mar 28, 2013
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Hartland VT
Does anybody know when the various WMNF campgrounds are opening, or how to find that info on-line?

Most seem to say “mid-May,” but something a little more specific would be good!

Does anybody know when the various WMNF campgrounds are opening, or how to find that info on-line?

Most seem to say “mid-May,” but something a little more specific would be good!

A lot will depend on roads opening. I imagine the 2 will coincide.

Edit: you can check recreation.gov for availability. Sugarloaf 1 says 5/21
USFS Hancock Campground just west of the Lincoln Woods parking lot on the Kanc and Barnes Field (group camping) just north of Dolly Copp Campground at the north end of Pinkham Notch on Rte 16 are open all year. Back in the day, VftT held many “gatherings” at Barnes Field in the “off season,” which were a good time.
Dolly Copp, the whole thing, is open in Winter? I didn't realize that.
Dolly Copp, the whole thing, is open in Winter? I didn't realize that.
Negative. Barnes Field is open. Spent half a dozen nights there this year. It's usually a collection of hot tents from people skiing. Folks will setup yurts there for weeks at a time. I really wish they would open 1 more. Hancock is a miserable experience.
WIth all the money dumped into Dolly Copp the last three years, it would be nice if they did open up at least part of it for winter.
These campgrounds will be opening on May 19th. All other campgrounds are anticipated to be open on Friday, May 26th for the Memorial Day weekend.
-Dolly Copp
-Sugarloaf I and II
-Blackberry Crossing
-Hancock (open year-round)
-Barnes Field (open year-round)