WMNF parking fee waiver on Public Lands Day Sat Sept 26


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Sep 4, 2003
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Yes - nationally we do not charge fees on these two days and the WMNF is a part of this.

[The other day is Veterans Day Nov 11]
You mean recreation fee, don't you? We all know, or should know, that the Forest Service isn't allowed to charge a fee solely for parking.
At the Livermore Rd parking lot, at least 4 cars had day passes on the dash although there was a notice on the board where you get the envelopes that parking was free those 2 days

They probably don't read the rules or safety info either :)

You mean recreation fee, don't you? We all know, or should know, that the Forest Service isn't allowed to charge a fee solely for parking.

Nah, it's a bridge removal fee :)