WMNF Wild River IRA logging?


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"Hikers will be able to see a total of 60 acres of new clear-cut openings from Wildcat Peak on the Appalachian Trial. These visual scars on the land are inconsistent with the purposes of a national scenic trail," the complaint said."

This is from an AP report on proposed logging in the Wild River Inventoried Roadless Area. Does anyone know how to find a map that shows the proposed cut(s)?
Clear-cuts are bad. There's no excuse for anyone doing clear-cut logging today.

Is this the same project as this one? The fight's been going on for a while, if that's the case.
This is part of the "Than Project", named for the Than Forest, in Jackson. The FS has details posted at http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/forests/white_mountain/projects/projects/assessments/than/than.html

There's a lot of material, but I suggest you start with the "Final Decision Notice", which includes a map on page 8.

The appeal is based on the 2001 Roadless Conservation Rule, which prohibits logging in inventoried roadless areas. (IRA's) The dispute is over what lands are covered by the Rule: The USFS position is that the Rule covers only lands that where part of the IRA in 2001, so their proposed action avoids the "2001 Roadless Area", as shown on the map.

During the Forest Plan Revision, additional roadless areas were identified by the FS, including the "FPR Wild River IRA" on the map. The FS believes the Roadless Rule does not apply to these newer roadless areas, and is planning much of the cutting in this area.

The controversy is significant in that this would be the first cutting in any Roadless area in the US since the Rule went into effect, so the outcome will have consequences beyond the WMNF.
MichaelJ said:
Clear-cuts are bad. There's no excuse for anyone doing clear-cut logging today.
Define clear-cut. 600 acres with no vegetation left over is a bad clear-cut. Is a 2-acre clear-cut a "clear-cut"? Different forestry techniques result in different tree regrowth -- if you are logging in a pine forest, and you cut a small enough area such that the exposed soil has a significant amount of shade, you will get other more shade-tolerant trees instead rather than pine. SPNHF has been trying to do light-impact forestry, but they are finding in some places that the new tree growth is very poor quality because of the lack of full sunlight.

Logging does create a disturbance to the landscape, but if done properly (no large clearcut), and located in areas that are less vulnerable to ecological disturbance (e.g. not right next to wetlands or areas subject to erosion, or in areas of high biodiversity), it is sustainable and is a merely a disturbance, not good or evil in itself. I'll grant you it's never pretty to human eyes, but disturbances do have their ecological advantages (both to plants & animals), and I'd rather see our wood needs coming from sustainable logging in this country rather than unsustainable logging overseas.

If I read the FS proposal, I will probably disagree with it, but more for proximity to the AT (a national scenic trail) than for ecological / ethical reasons.

I feel ambivalent about the Roadless Rule in general, but am always uneasy for precedent-setting decisions.
The document defines clearcut as "a cut method that removes all merchantable trees except in reserve patches, and creates an opening for regeneration of new trees."

The project includes 14 clear-cut areas ranging from 9 to 22 acres in size and totaling 217 acres.
Thanks for the link. At least we'll get a new parking lot for Bog Brook Trail. I'm happy for the concern for lynx habitat and stream quality. Looking for silver linings...
arghman said:
Is a 2-acre clear-cut a "clear-cut"?
I have heard the FS call a small clear cut "group selection" to go with "individual selection"

forestgnome said:
At least we'll get a new parking lot for Bog Brook Trail.
Probably with fee canister...