Wolves in Maine (no mountain lions yet)


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In Rembrance , July 2024
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Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
There has been occasional sightings of lone wolves in northern Maine for a couple of decades. They usually are attributed to a lone male roaming far from their typical home range. Genetically wolf DNA is being found in the Maine coyote population leading to wolf hybrids being established but the stadndard observation is that the hybrids are sticking with coyote behavior. To date no wolf packs have been reported. Much of Northwestern Maine's border is adjacent to farmland in Quebec so an established wolf packs in Maine could become an issue with the farmers in Quebec.

To date reports of mountain lions are far more sketchy. The use of game cameras is rapidly expanding and capturing a lot of wildlife and to date no mountain lions have been identified.
Exciting developments! I've got a trail camera in my woods - there's a bear people see occasionally and one day I'll catch him!
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There has been occasional sightings of lone wolves in northern Maine for a couple of decades. They usually are attributed to a lone male roaming far from their typical home range. Genetically wolf DNA is being found in the Maine coyote population leading to wolf hybrids being established but the stadndard observation is that the hybrids are sticking with coyote behavior. To date no wolf packs have been reported. Much of Northwestern Maine's border is adjacent to farmland in Quebec so an established wolf packs in Maine could become an issue with the farmers in Quebec.

To date reports of mountain lions are far more sketchy. The use of game cameras is rapidly expanding and capturing a lot of wildlife and to date no mountain lions have been identified.
A couple years ago my wife and I saw male and female mountain lions cross a dirt road north of Oquossoc village in Maine. Nathan Emerson