Happy Holidays to everyone


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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Boxford, MA. Avatar: I heart South Twin
Hi all,
On the day of the Winter Solstice, I ust wanted to wish all the cool people at VFTT a joyous Holiday season.

Whether you celebrate winter starting, Chanukah (starts Dec 22), Christmas (Dec 25), Kwanza (Dec 26), the New Year, another Holiday, or just taking a couple or more days off a work, I hope you all enjoy this special time of the year.

I also hope you all get to play in the snow during the Holiday season. I know I will :cool:

Best regards,
Merry Christmas to you to sir.

and to my fellow VFTT'ers:

To whatever you observe or keep, have a wonderful time with your folks and be sure to savour their company.

and Happy New Year!


Thanks Marty, and may I extend the same to all I have met here or otherwise have been able to get to know through the wonderful gift of this website.

Not only was yesterday the Winter Solstice, but it was also my oldest son's birthday. We named him Jack for Jack Frost, born on the first day of winter. He would have been 31...

Please, at this time of year, let go of your grudges and hard feelings and reconcile. You never know when it may be too late...

Santa Rocks !


South Korean rock climbers wearing Santa costumes pose on Buckhan mountain near Seoul

Picture: EPA

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and have a healthy and happy New Year !
Sunday night I heard a clatter on the roof.

At first I thought it was the snow falling out of the trees but it was too regular and rhythmical for that. I concluded it was Santa practicing touch-and-go landings, perhaps for the benefit of the newest reindeer, Olluva. It's the perfect roof to practice, not a straight run on it as roofers complain.

So tell the kids that Santa's prepared for any roof.

And believe.
I want to say a big Merry Christmas to everyone on here as well! It's been great to connect with this new community, and I'm glad to be a part of it. I hope you all have a safe, stress-free, relaxing, and happy memory-filled holiday! :D
I hope you all have a very joyous holiday season, filled with gifts of gear, thankfulness for our fellow trail-breakers, and the love of friends and family.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

and for all the political correct people out there, Feliz Navidad :)
