The Seven Levels of Photographers

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Tim Seaver

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Aurora Boulderalis
While hunting around Ken Rockwell's entertaining and useful website, I ran across a very funny piece titled:
The Seven Levels of Photographers

It's part satire, part biting truth, but worth a read regardless of what level you take pictures at. In particular, the "equipment measurbator" description is priceless, and dead-on. Enjoy! :D
Thanks for posting that link, Tim. Your characterization of the essay is right on target.

I'm going to put myself in level 5: Amateur. I shoot a Canon and I certainly don't make enough money to be a whore. I don't even remember the last time I sold a photo. I just donated two photos to a fund raiser and they sold at silent auction...does that count?

I can think of quite a few Equipment Measurbator: Bottom Level 1's and also some Rich Amateur: Level 2's. I know one guy that must have over $20k or even $25k of photo gear and I have never seen anything more than a decent photo from him. :eek:

- darren
All I can say is that I am NOT a rich amateur or measurebator. I exhibit behavior from all the other levels depending on how long I have been out in the field or how much money I need :) It's all good, as long as you aren't shooting brick walls...
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Funny read. :)

Amateurs who think that better cameras will improve their photos are at risk of descending to the lowest level of equipment measurbator. Too many amateurs have been misled by camera makers into thinking that they need good cameras for good images. This thought is poison to creating art.
This is so true! I'm a scrapbooker, which goes hand in hand with taking pictures, and I belong to a very active scrapbooking message board (I can't believe I just admitted that in public! ha ha). Everybody jumped on the digital SLR bandwagon, but it's unbelievable how many people don't understand the first thing about cameras. e.g. "I just got my new D40. What does aperture mean?". And there is a standing joke about MWAC ("moms with a camera"), who oversaturate their photos in photoshop, slap on a water mark, and want to start charging people.

I'm also surprised at how many people think getting more megapixels will instantly equal better pictures. I've seen some of the pictures they take and it's definitely not a megapixel problem.

And hopefully I don't sound too snobby -- I just like taking pictures and by no means would classify myself anything above hobbyist -- just some observations ...
Whoa...missed this thread...very funny/very true. I certainly know those in all categories.

I hope to someday attain the status of rich amateur, but for now, I'll happily be a regular old broke amatuer with an insatiable passion!!!