Cliff & Redfield bushwack?

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I don't think you really need eye protection on the herdpaths, so long as you stay on them. It's probably very prudent to carry them though because sometimes you get off them on occasion if you are prone to eye gouges. I did Redfield as recent as this past winter and although it was pretty easy to follow, there is a short section through that is a moderately thick and there can be the stray branch or so... I have been on Cliff where we lost the herdpath and had to do a real bushwack to regain the herdpath so you never really know.

I did Redfield a few weeks need for eye protection. I also wore shorts with no gaiters, and I was fine. But, then again I rather like the scars I get while hiking.

The GooGoo Dolls say it best (never thought I'd say that!), "scars are memories that last a lifetime."
ADKdremn said:
I did Redfield a few weeks need for eye protection. I also wore shorts with no gaiters, and I was fine. But, then again I rather like the scars I get while hiking.

The GooGoo Dolls say it best (never thought I'd say that!), "scars are memories that last a lifetime."

I was with ADKDREMN and agree! No eye protection :cool: