Iron Mtn from Jericho Rd?

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Jun 15, 2008
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Raymond, NH
I hiked Iron Mtn in Jackson a while ago from the north by Hayes Farm on Green Hill Rd. From the summit there are two paths that continue on the other side. One to a ledge with views another to the old mine site. The path to the mine site was marked and seemed to keep going. I had to eventually turn around due to time constraints. However I suspect that the path continued all the way to Jericho Rd on the other side.

I didn't get any views that day and plan to go back on a clear day. Does anyone know if indeed the path does continue to Jericho Rd and the whereabouts of the trail head on Jericho Rd. I found a description for the path from the 1922 AMC guide which says

"Jericho is reached from Jackson by a highway leading N. from the road to Bartlett abut 1 m W. of Glen Station"

In modern venacular I interpret as Jericho Rd is one mile west on 302 from the 302/16 junction. It then says

"About 1 1/4 m more on the Jericho road brings one to Allen's Bridge across the Rocky Branch River. A few rods before reaching this bridge a road will be found branching to the R., ... This is the main road along the east bank of the Rocky Branch River, and is known locally as Jinks Hill Rd. It is rough ... for a distance of 4 m."

Jericho Rd does not currently cross the river but I am guessing it once did and the road that branches right is just the continuation of the current path of Jericho Rd which also goes 4 miles. It then says

"The Iron Mine path leaves the road about 2/3 m. from Jericho Rd"

So from that I conclude that the old road to the iron mines is 1 1/4 mi - a few rods + 2/3 miles from the start of Jericho Rd. In the 1942 map I can see the start of a road at about this distance branching off to the right. It can also be seen in a satellite image. There appear to be a driveway opposite it.

So anyone else tried this or have any more info to supply?
Do you have Garmin US Topo 2008 (or Garmin US Topo or NG TOPO! NE)?

It calls part of "Jericho Road" "Jinks Road", so there may some confusion about the names.

I hiked up Rocky Branch Tr (from Jericho Rd) about 10 yrs ago. The road terminates in a parking lot and the trail immediately crosses Rocky Branch Brook on a heavy duty bridge and follows a logging road (or RR grade). The WMG 28th ed description is consistent with this.

Garmin US Topo 2008 shows an unnamed road heading NNW (27 deg true) from about the location of the parking lot. At 3/10 of a mile (alt 1425 ft) the road turns NW and a trail is shown leaving at the bend. The trail starts NE , swings around E and then SE to ascend the N ridge of Iron and terminates at the trailhead for Iron Mtn Tr at the end of Iron Mtn Rd. (This is also shown on Garmin US Topo (100K) and NG TOPO! 100K maps. So I presume that it is on the current 100K maps...)

This map also shows a trail heading S from Iron and then E over Green Hill and Ducks Head (name from NG TOPO! NE) terminating on Rte 16 just S of the junction with 16B (S entrance to the Jackson Golf course). This trail also has a branch to the flat spot .5 mi S of Iron (2400ft alt) shown on NG TOPO! NE 24K scale.

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I do not have those maps but I believe the trails you see are Stairs Col Tr (East End)
Probably--I forgot to mention that the trail from the bend in the road off Jericho Rd is labeled "Stairs Col Tr". What I see on the map matches your 1922 description well enough that it could be a match. (The road that leads to the right from the current TH parking lot is shown as having a total length of 1.5 mi.)

I find no mention of Ducks Head Tr on my maps and the description at your link is empty. It seems a reasonable guess, but the trail on the map also goes over Green Hill to Iron Mtn and could just as easily have been named after either of them.

I find no mention of Ducks Head Tr on my maps and the description at your link is empty. It seems a reasonable guess, but the trail on the map also goes over Green Hill to Iron Mtn and could just as easily have been named after either of them.

The Ducks Head Trail ran from Route 16 in Jackson (Red Fox) to Iron Mountain. On the Ducks Head side, a few old cairns can be found, but for the most part the trail is gone.
DougPaul said:
I find no mention of Ducks Head Tr on my maps and the description at your link is empty. It seems a reasonable guess, but the trail on the map also goes over Green Hill to Iron Mtn and could just as easily have been named after either of them.
The Ducks Head Trail ran from Route 16 in Jackson (Red Fox) to Iron Mountain. On the Ducks Head side, a few old cairns can be found, but for the most part the trail is gone.
Your description appears to be consistent with the trail shown on my map except that I don't know where the Red Fox is. My map shows the trail coming out to 16 just S of the S turnoff to Jackson Golf Course/Jackson Ski Touring Area.

Your description appears to be consistent with the trail shown on my map except that I don't know where the Red Fox is. My map shows the trail coming out to 16 just S of the S turnoff to Jackson Golf Course/Jackson Ski Touring Area.


Red Fox is a located adjacent to the former Iron Mountain House (and ski area):