John Swanson and Pete Hickey and others have already answered this question pretty well. But, without getting into too many details, pretty much as John said, the balance of positive and negative charges surrounding the cells in your body tissues is important for overall health and well being of your body. When you have excessive sweating (loss of both water and electrolytes, mainly sodium and potassium) combined with large volumes of water intake, which we as well hydrated hikers tend to do . . . we become imbalanced or hyponatremic. You need to replace the sodium and potassium in your body, usually taken care of by diet but in the case of fast loss during high heat exertion you have to supplement with electrolytes.
As far as too many electrolytes, yes in some cases you can have HYPERnatremia but these are usually related to diabetic induced kidney issues or renal failure. Your body, specifically your kidneys provide a mechanism of action that "pumps" out the excess waste including sodium and potassium, in the process it also pumps out water, so it is important to remained balanced though getting hyponatremic is much more likely in the situations we find ourselves in and HYPERnatremia is rare in the normal healthy individual. I am not a medical doctor, but a PhD with knowledge of physiology so please take what I say with a "grain of salt"
pun intended and don't base your health decisions on my explaination of physiology as I am not trained to treat patients (i.e. don't sue me for any advice you think I am giving)
If you are normally well balanced then I assume that the companies that make electrolyte solutions, such as Gatorade have them balanced with the fluid for maintaining homeostasis and so consumption of all gatorade would probably not be harmful though it may not be unecessary. I switch between Gatorade and water because I prefer the taste of water
Did that answer the questions? BTW, John your memory is very good.