....White Heat, which should have been called "Ice Sheet". There was no snow anywhere, just blue ice. I skidded out, lost an edge, sat down, and skittered along on a death-slide for several hundred feet until I punched feet-first into a newly-installed catch net on a lift tower (I was apparently the first one to test them out). Strained my MDL and was sore and stiff for months.
On the very same run, my wife fell and slid, breaking several ribs. The ski patroller who brought her down had to the temerity to be both rude and mean when she was able to move off the toboggan under her own power by the time they got to the clinic. I suppose HE wasn't happy about having to ski down White Heat under those conditions, either. Maybe he should have swept it in the AM and closed it, I dunno. Anyway, a couple visits over the years, I have never been impressed. The Walmart of ski areas works very well, OneStep.
I'm with you, Amicus... If I am going to drive to ski, I will bite the bullet and take the long ride to Sugarloaf -- our absolute favorite place to ski in New England (so far, anyway -- haven't made it to Jay yet). The variety of terrain, challenge, and even the village are hard to beat.