NHF&G News: Hitting the Mountain Trails this Summer? HikeSafe Is The Way To Go!


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Apr 3, 2007
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Marlborough, Massachusetts
News from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department July 1, 2009
Phone: (603) 271-3211
Email: [email protected]
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Lt. Todd Bogardus, NHFG, (603) 271-3361
Rebecca Oreskes,WMNF, (603) 528-8721
July 1, 2009

Plan ahead; pack a flashlight; check the weather; stay together

CONCORD, N.H. -- Summer's here, and for many New Hampshire residents and visitors, that means enjoying hiking trips in the beautiful, rugged mountains of the Granite State. Tens of thousands of hikers will visit the trails in New Hampshire over the coming months, from the popular Mondanock Region to the remote North Country. With that in mind, outdoor authorities are advising New Hampshire's summer adventurers to "Hike Safe."

"New Hampshire's woods and mountains are a great place for summer recreation," says New Hampshire Fish and Game Conservation Officer Lieutenant Todd Bogardus. "Whether you are day hiking or backpacking overnight, there are many fantastic opportunities here. But the nature of the mountain environment is that it can be a dangerous place. Visitors who are looking forward to a forest or mountain excursion have to realize that trails can be steep and rough, footing can be insecure, and weather here is unpredictable. Hiking in New Hampshire's backcountry is quite different from taking a nature stroll in a local park -- while the experience can be immensely enjoyable, it is a serious undertaking that requires proper planning and preparation."

Bogardus notes that already this year, there have been several searches for mountain hikers. The need for a rescue can many times be avoided if hikers plan ahead.*Find out about the trails you'll be traveling on - how steep, how long are they?*Are the hikers in the right physical shape to tackle the challenges? Have they checked the weather forecast and prepared with suitable clothing for the cold conditions, rain and wind that can occur suddenly in New Hampshire's high mountains?*

Bogardus also notes that hikers should always include in their packs a simple, but essential piece of equipment - a flashlight or headlamp to allow them to follow a path after dark if the need arises. Either due to poor planning or other circumstances, hikers can find themselves still on the trail after sunset. "I'll admit; it's frustrating to get calls for help from people who remembered their cell phones, but forgot to bring a flashlight on their hike," Bogardus says.

Some locations in New Hampshire's White Mountains have additional and unexpected hazards. "The above-treeline areas of the White Mountains are known for their harsh weather," says Rebecca Oreskes, of the White Mountain National Forest. "Mount Washington and neighboring peaks in the Presidential Range, as well as Mount Lafayette and the Franconia Ridge, can have winter-like days even in summer."

According to Oreskes, hurricane-force winds, dense fog, lightning storms, icing and even snowstorms can occur in any month, even July and August. "Hikers need to be prepared for unpleasant weather, and should turn back if dangerous weather intervenes - and it can take wisdom, based on experience, to know the difference," she says. Another piece of advice Oreskes offers: "At any time, but especially in adverse weather above treeline, it's crucial that groups stick together - so often, groups split up, which can cause general confusion and expose the most vulnerable group members even more to nature's fury."

Some guidelines for enjoyable and safe hiking are outlined in the principles of "hikeSafe," a joint initiative of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and the White Mountain National Forest to promote safe and responsible hiking.

The hikeSafe "Hiker Responsibility Code" sums up the basic tenets of backcountry safety. "Hiking has great rewards, but it also comes with innate challenges and dangers," says Oreskes.

There are six tenets of the code: 1) Be prepared with appropriate knowledge and gear; 2) Let someone else know your plans; 3) Hiking groups should stick together and not let themselves become separated; 4) Hikers should always be ready to turn back if circumstances, such as changing weather, dictate; 5) Hikers should be ready for emergencies, and, ideally, be set to get out on their own; and 6) Those who know the code should share its lessons with others.

"In spite of the challenges, most hikers in New Hampshire's forests and mountains have great experiences," says Bogardus, "and there's a better chance of having a memorable and satisfying trip if hikers follow the hikeSafe principles."

For more information about the hikeSafe program, visit http://www.hikesafe.com.

Learn more about the NH Outdoor Council at http://www.nhoutdoorcouncil.org.

Visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department at http://www.WildNH.com.
That song you hear in the background? It's the VFTT choir . . . ;)

(Somewhere out there is a girlfriend who doesn't know her good fortune. I just talked the boyfriend out of taking her on a dayhike to Bondcliff this week as her first hike . . . ever.)
(Somewhere out there is a girlfriend who doesn't know her good fortune. I just talked the boyfriend out of taking her on a dayhike to Bondcliff this week as her first hike . . . ever.)
Wow, good work, Sardog! Did HIM a favor, too, I'm willing to bet.
Must be early in the relationship, when estrogen poisoning can be at its most severe.

It allows the girlfriend to do ridiculous stuff the boyfriend suggests without a second thought.

Give yourself an attaboy.
Good timing on this post.

Even when you follow all the recommendations , and ahve good gear, all it takes is one mis-placed step.

This morning a friend that some folks on VFTT have met, Mark, was with his wife and two children (2 and 4) hiking up Arethusa Falls. Almost at the top, his wife Terry mis-stepped and ended up with a broken tibia and fibia. Thanks to other hikers who assited they got her comfortable and was able to get a call out to SAR who were there within 2 hours to carry her out. They are now at the hospital, but asked us to pass along their very deep thanks to whomever was involved in the rescue this morning. A surgery and a couple months to heal and Terry will be able to make a full recovery, but a good reminder that an accident can happen at any time, any place, to anyone.
Must be early in the relationship, when estrogen poisoning can be at its most severe.

It allows the girlfriend to do ridiculous stuff the boyfriend suggests without a second thought.

:D It's not just early in relationships. Decades later, I still find myself talked into doing things by my ex-husband/best friend, that I later wonder "Why on earth did I say 'yes' to that?" :rolleyes: Larry and I joke about the number of things that we could put under the category "Stupid things Larry has talked me into." If asked Why? or How? he got me to agree to it, he'll respond, "It's a gift." :D
This morning a friend that some folks on VFTT have met, Mark, was with his wife and two children (2 and 4) hiking up Arethusa Falls. Almost at the top, his wife Terry mis-stepped and ended up with a broken tibia and fibia. .

Oh no! Please give Mark and his family our best wishes for a fast recovery for Terry!
an accident can happen at any time, any place, to anyone.

That's my biggest fear. It ain't the bears, foul weather or grim-reaper types on the trail that get me. It's no matter how well you prepare, how good a shape you are in, things happen. Guess that's why my daypack has so much rescue/emergency gear in it. I also find myself taking fewer chances these days, because I don't want to give up the sport I love so much.