Fall Gathering Sept 18th to 20th - Eustis ME


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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
It looks like Friday Sept 18th through Sunday Sept 20th is the date and the location (pending confirmation of a group site) is Cathedral Pines Campground - group site in Eustis Maine.

As noted previously, its 24.50 (Stan reports that it is $21.40 )per tent per night (so feel free to bring a big tent). The main campground has showers and running water but it is about a 5 to 10 minute walk from the group site that has pit privies. I do not believe reservations are required unless you want to camp in a standard site and take advantage of quiet hours that were enforced at the main campground.

There is no power at the campsite, therefore if its needs to be heated, cooled or cooked, please bring equipment to do so.

The location is rural, although there is a general store in town with the basics, its a bit of a drive for much else.

The rational for the selection,

1. There is a major white mountain activity the weekend before in Twin Mountain (flags on the 48). The recent ADK BBQ was a default VFTT event so it was logical to look east.

2. Many folks are finishing up their 48 list and are looking at the NE 4000 footers list, there are a large number of the NE 4ks and 100 highest nearby. Many of them are logistically challenging which makes them better for group hikes rather than solo trips.

3. Whatever date we choose, will unfortunately shut out someone (sorry Unadogger & Timmus :( ) nevertheless this is the tradtional date for an event that has going on for 11 (?) years and there hasnt been any alternate date that was recomended by mulitple folks. Beyond the significance of a certain date for a certain person, it also lines up quite well with the equinox. and keeps the event out of the beginning of leaf season (although there is usually some color in Kingfield).

And now my editorial

I will state as I did on the 9.9999, this organizing is done with some reluctance but was done to keep a tradition going without turning the event into a full time job requiring a week off in advance to get ready and several days afterwards to recover. I salute those who have done so in the past, but I cant personally support that type of effort. I hope to be there but my job does involve a fair amount of travel usually last minute.

If anyone would like it at a specific place and date next year, feel free to propose one for next year. As Fat Tuesday mentioned, this in no way precludes alternate activities this year.
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Thanks, Dennis. Is this where I start complaining about the length of drive and anything else I mentioned/promised I would complain about?? :p

I'm guessing I'll be one of the MIA for this event after having just driven out to Sugarloaf and returning home to pay the consequences for leaving contractors on their own at the new house!

Where is the leather apron?? Surely it needs to be there for the event!!
Leather Apron

IIRC, that Dawn hiker-babe earned it. She only hiked 2,000 miles to get to the last gathering in NH... and did some whining so we all felt sorry for her and let her have it! :D
Well, I hope it makes it back to this Gathering. We will possibly bring a guest who would in all liklihood lay claim to that apron ... yep, even surpassing the western NY crowd.
P.S. Thanks peakbagger for sheparding this. Do we have reservations on a group site yet?
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I have confirmed the reservation for one group site at Cathedral Pines for the weekend Friday and Saturday night Sept 18th and 19th. There is an adjacent group site availlable, but based on the current response, I do not know if it will be needed. There is no need to make a reservation for the group site, but if anyone wants a private site (closer to the facilities), they will need to contact the campground. I believe the cost per tent is the same. Do note that the private sites tend to be a 10 to 15 minute walk/stumble from the group site, which may or may not a be a good thing;)

Cathedral Pines Campground
Route 27
P.O. Box 146
Eustis, ME 04936

As noted previously, the campground charges by the tent, Anyone attending will have to check in at the campground office when they arrive and pay $24.50 per tent per night.

If anyone is going up earlier than Friday they will have to make seperate arrangements, although I suspect that they can probably grab the same group site given the time of year.

I will be offline for all of next week, and figure that any planning can wait until after Labor day, but if questions come up, I suspect that several of the veterans can fill in the details.
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Well I blew it and am seriously bummed that I can't make it.

I'll just have to soothe myself with a month-long trip to the Pacific Northwest (San Juan Islands, Olympic, Rainer, Mt St. Helen's, etc) with a jaunt down to Yosemite. Guess I'll manage. ;)

But I WILL miss you folks!

There are some perks to unemployment and a really slow job market!
I'm otherwise engaged about 3 ways that weekend but can likely make it for part of the fun.

Hey Spencer,
I've been scouring Zappos all week in search of asbestos shoes for both of us. I vow that the Cathedral Pines campfire won't leave us with smoking feet this time.
Swamp. come on, put back that wonderful avatar from that Gathering. I always wondered how you were able to rest your chin on your belly, a very gymnastic pose.

I am really looking forward to seeing old friends again. If we could only get Rob Blais out of hiding...
Hey Audrey,

As I recall, the avatar in question was bestowed upon me by the powers that be ( being Darren and Sherpa K). As a matter of fact I seem to remember breaking out in involuntary avatars several times in those days. Let's hope those shenanigans are all behind us.;)
Who needs an avatar when you can see it nice and large?


And yes, that is smoke coming from Spencer's shoe:


Good times....

Of course if you want to go way back in the Eustis time machine....

- darren
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