Mats Roing
New member
OK folks, here we go again 
Jason Ferris, Ryan Weltz (Farmer) and I are giving it a go starting Saturday 1/16.
9days 20hrs and 24 min is the current record by Tim Seaver and Cath Goodwin: (
If weather permits we start with a pressie traverse on Saturday 1/16. If that doesn't work we start with Isolation and then Wildcat-Moriah traverse. More than that we won't predict at this point. If we start at 6am on 1/16 we have until Tuesday morning 1/26 at 2:23am to break it if my mathematic works.
We have a ground crew helping with driving and food cooking so we are a bit spoiled that way
Bascecamp will be in Randolph the first two days and then we move to a cottage in Twin Mountain for the remainder of the days.
There is wireless internet there so we plan to do som updates on VFTT as time goes by.
We will have a tracking device so you guys can see where we are occasionally.
username: matsroing
password: hiking
Now we'll have to wait and see what the weather and the mountains have in mind for us......
Jason Ferris, Ryan Weltz (Farmer) and I are giving it a go starting Saturday 1/16.
9days 20hrs and 24 min is the current record by Tim Seaver and Cath Goodwin: (
If weather permits we start with a pressie traverse on Saturday 1/16. If that doesn't work we start with Isolation and then Wildcat-Moriah traverse. More than that we won't predict at this point. If we start at 6am on 1/16 we have until Tuesday morning 1/26 at 2:23am to break it if my mathematic works.
We have a ground crew helping with driving and food cooking so we are a bit spoiled that way
Bascecamp will be in Randolph the first two days and then we move to a cottage in Twin Mountain for the remainder of the days.
There is wireless internet there so we plan to do som updates on VFTT as time goes by.
We will have a tracking device so you guys can see where we are occasionally.
username: matsroing
password: hiking
Now we'll have to wait and see what the weather and the mountains have in mind for us......