Ankle high gaiters - A tip

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May 8, 2014
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manchester nh
Recently while hiking, I used a pair of those elasticised knee braces you can get at any pharmacy. After a while, they seemed to be alittle tight, so I pulled them down around my ankles and discovered that they work very well for keeping debris out of my hiking shoes ! That`s good news for thrifty (cheap) hikers like me. Now I don`t have to buy a pair of gaiters like I was going to do for my non winter hikes. Anyone else ever try this?
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This could not have been more incredibly timed a tip! I have been having major problems with debris in my boots this summer and was wondering if they made an ankle height gaiter. I really hate the feel of gaiters on bare skin and don't like the heat. I'm going to try this. Thanks.
Been using them for years and they do keep debris out of your shoes or boots. Will also prevent water from going down in your shoe or boot should you slip and do a quick submerge on a crossing.

I have a pair of these for trail-runners...

And a pair of these for boots...

Edit: Just saw that EMS is having a sale on OR products.
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Two non-recommendations: the Outdoor Research Spark Plug gaiters are Dirty-Girl style but only have enough velcro for one pair of shoes, and the patch is about half the size of the Dirty Girls. They came off my shoe after twenty miles. Yes, I cleaned and dried the shoes, smashed 'em on good, let it set for 24 hours under compression...

And the OR Wrapid gaiters had hooks that rusted substantially after one three-day trip.
I changed the subject to something with a little more context.

For low gaiters I use Dirty Girls - but there are several similar ones out there. I also like Gaiter-Bait from Trail Pixie -

OOPS!!! just found the right page on their site. Better to ask... How durable or reliable do you find the dirty girls system to be? Does the Velcro stay put?

Dave, could you describe how the DirtyGirls stay fixed to the boots and shoes? I typically use standard OR style low gaiters and replace the underfoot cord yearly. But I can't figure out the DirtyGirls from their website and wondering if they'll work on my size 14 light hikers.
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I've always used these

but I can no longer find them on OR's site, so I worry they may have been discontinued. Time to stock up?

These have gone through a few design iterations, and have had some problems through the years, but now they are pretty decent. I hope I can still get them...
Two non-recommendations: the Outdoor Research Spark Plug gaiters are Dirty-Girl style but only have enough velcro for one pair of shoes, and the patch is about half the size of the Dirty Girls. They came off my shoe after twenty miles. Yes, I cleaned and dried the shoes, smashed 'em on good, let it set for 24 hours under compression...

And the OR Wrapid gaiters had hooks that rusted substantially after one three-day trip.

OR has exceptional customer service. Send them back & ask for a credit toward the Rocky Mountain or Bug Out gaiters (the latter seems to be the same product as the former, except in a lighter--cooler--color & Insect Shield, which I'm guessing is an insecticide treatment).
I use the REI trail light gaiters, about $25. They only come up to the top of my hiking sock, which is all I need. The velcro holds well. I have to replace the string portion that goes under the boot once a year, but that's no problem. Wouldn't be without them. No more debris in the boot. It was amazing how much debris use to work its way into the boot.
could you describe how the DirtyGirls stay fixed to the boots and shoes? I typically use standard OR style low gaiters and replace the underfoot cord yearly. But I can't figure out the DirtyGirls from their website and wondering if they'll work on my size 14 light hikers.

I use Dirty Girls as well. They have a hook the grabs the front of your shoelaces, and a velco patch to attach to the back for your shoes. Comes with extra velcro too, but in general it stays on really well. I'm a size 14, which translates to size 'Dang' for the gaiters. I'm a big fan.
Yeah, the Dirty Girls stay put all day, no worries. I use them for trail running as well. You just need to make sure the Velcro is affixed to the shoe well. I round the corners so there are no edges to catch and pull it free. And I get lots of comments on them - my first pair were Lime Gatorade Hurl, highly visible. :)
Dirty girls worked as well as I expected. The Velcro came off 'eventually', and they do give you a couple of extras. But for my boot anyway (low cut), it is not essential that the velcro be there.
Yeah, the Dirty Girls stay put all day, no worries. I use them for trail running as well. You just need to make sure the Velcro is affixed to the shoe well. I round the corners so there are no edges to catch and pull it free. And I get lots of comments on them - my first pair were Lime Gatorade Hurl, highly visible. :)
I have the bowling pins! :D
OR has exceptional customer service.

EMS took back the wrapids with only minimal grousing, so I'm whole there. The spark plugs, I haven't figured out what to do with yet.

And I'm Spacin' Out with the Dirty Girls, but have very few miles on them so far.
I changed the subject to something with a little more context.

For low gaiters I use Dirty Girls - but there are several similar ones out there. I also like Gaiter-Bait from Trail Pixie -

I just recently purchased a pair of these "dirty girls" and tried them out doing a 1/2 mile bushwack through the woods close to home. They work very well. I`m glad you let me know about them. I even forgot I had them on!:)