PB is quite spot on. There is local push-back to the ATV swell, especially when there are large scale events.
I'm not sure who in their right mind thinks that 2000 ATV's in one day is reasonable traffic for the Mt Washington Auto Road, but lots of ATV folks seem to think it should be " no problem". Why isn't there ample space for parking ? Why in the world is Rt 16 not open for ATV traffic?
The hornet's nest has been disturbed.
Services are thin, and folks are going to have to learn to live with that reality. My guess is that NH F&G is going to run the $$$$ flag up the pole, upside down, before this season is over.
For sure, the citizens of the North Country are already buzzing about the fact that they bent over backwards to accommodate ATV's, but what they have to offer is seen as " not enough".
Not enough motel rooms, not enough gas stations, not enough restaurants, not enough porta-potties , not enough people to clean the porta potties. Not enough public roads open to OHRV traffic, not enough parking, and certainly not enough folks directing traffic to make it easier for ATV's to get where they want to go.
Cuz, we should understand, ATV's are the new bread and butter for the North Country, and without their dollars, we'll all starve.
Hey. I don't make this stuff up.