State to offer Shuttle Service from the Artist's Bluff lot to Lafayette Place

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Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
Hot off the presses (thanks to Mike Blair who sent it to me)

New Hampshire Department of Natural & Cultural Resources


172 Pembroke Rd, Concord, NH 03301

Phone: 603/271-3556 E-Mail: [email protected]

For Immediate Release

NH State Parks Launches Shuttle Service in Franconia Notch State Park to Address Hiker Parking

CONCORD, N.H., August 1, 2018 – New Hampshire State Parks is announcing the launching of a pilot shuttle service in Franconia Notch State Park. This service offers a safe and legal alternative to parking on Interstate 93 for people visiting the Franconia Notch and the White Mountain National Forest. The shuttle service will begin Friday, August 3, 2018 and run through Sunday October 14.

Increased visitation to the White Mountains Region, particularly at the Falling Waters/Old Bridle Path trailheads near Lafayette Place, has caused parking lots to fill quickly, resulting in illegal and unsafe parking along Interstate 93. For the past year, state agencies, the White Mountain National Forest and other partners have been working together to explore alternatives to parking on the highway. This included reaching out to the private sector to provide a shuttle service but no interest was shown.

The new shuttle service will operate out of Cannon Mountain’s Peabody Base Lodge (Exit 34C) gravel parking lot. Hikers can park for free in the lot and take the approximately 10-15 minute ride one-way to Lafayette Place. Then the shuttle will pick visitors up at the Falling Waters/Bridle Path and return them to the Peabody Base Lodge parking lot. As this is a pilot program, dogs will initially be allowed and Lafayette Place and Falling Waters/Bridle Path trailheads will be the only stops other than the Peabody lot. The shuttle will run continuously from 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM Friday through Monday (rain or shine). The initial cost will be $5 per person and only cash will be accepted.

“Although a shuttle service is not a normal park operation for us, we felt that we should step up and provide a safe and legal parking alternative for visitors hiking in the park and national forest,” stated Phil Bryce, director of NH State Parks. “I commend the Franconia Notch State Park team for their efforts to get the shuttle service launched.”

State officials will evaluate the shuttle service pilot program, adjusting as needed and determining its overall feasibility.

Interesting that private vendors were not interested.
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I hiked Cannon last night and noticed that hikers are now restricted to the gravel/dirt lot at 34B / Tram parking lot. I also noticed over the past few weeks that the highway now has brown posts with orange tips that kind of suggest maybe you shouldn't park here.

On an unrelated note, the tower on Cannon was roped off with a sign saying "Closed".

I came here to post what peakbagger already posted, and I wonder if this should be merged with the parking survey thread or not.

I hiked Cannon last night and noticed that hikers are now restricted to the gravel/dirt lot at 34B / Tram parking lot. I also noticed over the past few weeks that the highway now has brown posts with orange tips that kind of suggest maybe you shouldn't park here.

On an unrelated note, the tower on Cannon was roped off with a sign saying "Closed".

I came here to post what peakbagger already posted, and I wonder if this should be merged with the parking survey thread or not.


The Brown posts with tips are for snow plowing and to mark the side. They go way down past any parking issues in the Notch. They wouldn't stop parking if they were for that.
Merging makes sense to me, as it's really the same topic.
Feel free to merge, the original thread had gotten a bit long in the tooth and drifted. I figured the shuttle deserved its own thread.
This is the second place I've seen this described as from the "tram" lot. It is not; it's the Artist's Bluff parking off 18, next exit north. I'm not sure why it's picking up that description as the PR seems pretty clear.
I will change the title if I can

I tried but doesn't seem to take hold unless there is slow refresh.
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I thought I'd read here or maybe FB that the signs and possibly flyers on windshields, that cars were not parking along the road. Apparently not. Went through there Sunday and they were a half mile up the road, both north and south. Parking right under the posted signs.
I thought I'd read here or maybe FB that the signs and possibly flyers on windshields, that cars were not parking along the road. Apparently not. Went through there Sunday and they were a half mile up the road, both north and south. Parking right under the posted signs.

I was stewarding at the trailhead on Sunday, and (obviously) noticed the same thing. Based on unofficial hearsay from state park staff, a multistage enforcement ramp-up is in progress (started with signs; then there'll be warnings, then ticketing, then towing), to be carried out by Lincoln rather than the state police. I couldn't get word on likely timing for such actions, which may mean that it hasn't yet been set.

Related: the shuttle is up and running, and participants appear happy with it. Ridership is low at this point ("latecomers" with law/sign-observant tendencies), and likely won't rise a whole lot until enforcement actions start and word of that gets around.

I drove through there this SUN just after 12PM and it was clear on both sides except for 5 rebels parked well down the bank after the on ramp on the South side. Whatever they're currently doing appears to finally be starting to work.
I drove through there this SUN just after 12PM and it was clear on both sides except for 5 rebels parked well down the bank after the on ramp on the South side. Whatever they're currently doing appears to finally be starting to work.

Considering the weather at points immediately to the south, I wouldn't consider Sunday's crowds indicative of change.
Considering the weather at points immediately to the south, I wouldn't consider Sunday's crowds indicative of change.

Actually I drove by quite a few other trail heads on my way out SUN and they were all pretty busy and North Conway, Glen and Crawford Notch were all jacked up with traffic and people. Was far busier than I expected with the forecast. Probably would have been worse with blue skies but it was hardly a quiet day up there. Took me 5 hours 10 minutes to drive home (normally 3 hours 45 minutes from where I was).
I've made the mistake a few times hitting North Conway at 5pm when Storyland close. What a mess. Now, I try to be through there before 4pm, or after 7pm. Saves me hours of frustration and mounting rage.
Drove through the notch between 3-3:30 PM Saturday. Cars parked on the road on both sides, it looked the same as usual. I did not notice anything on windshields.
I've made the mistake a few times hitting North Conway at 5pm when Storyland close. What a mess. Now, I try to be through there before 4pm, or after 7pm. Saves me hours of frustration and mounting rage.

Oh that didn't matter. I was getting into Glen at around 11 AM thinking the ride would be a piece of cake and it was already busy. There was actually a 1/2 mile traffic jam in Franconia Notch as Rte 93 ends and the two lanes merge into one. Never seen that before. Was stop and go traffic on Rte 93 from Exit 23 all the way down to the tolls, and I mean with NO stretches where I went over 20 mph. Last weekend I was in Jackson leaving around 3:45 PM and made the horrible decision to just go down Rte 16 rather than my usual backtrack up Rte 302 to Rte 93. 5 hours to get home last weekend too. Every light on Rte 16 had a traffic jam. Took me 20 minutes to get through the light near Hobbs and Rte 25. Rte 95 was stop and go from Rte 16 to Rte 495, including the "high speed" toll lanes.

I do a LOT of driving between hiking and work (about 45,000 miles a year) and it is getting to the point where there are certain roads and days where you are just going to be in traffic no matter what time it is. Too many cars, too many distracted drivers and too many a**holes out there trying to get home 0.6 seconds faster than you do.
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I work for the State and only get one weekend a month off. I love it, so much easier to travel and hike on weekdays. I'm really surprised at the lack luster attempt to fix the road side parking in FN. I thought by now they would have a plan, guess not.