Blueberries - Its time

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
One benefit of the 5 weeks of rain seems to be a bumper crop of blueberries. I was on the Welch Dickey loop today and they were as good as I have seen them. Both the blue and the black variety were present. I just did a few "grab and go" stops but one or two of the patches were probably worth stopping and picking a bag full. While driving back through Twin Mountain I saw folks picking along the side of RT 3 across from the UPS terminal.

I plan to visit my favorite mountain in the next week or so.
I went over to Rumford Whitecap this morning, Best crop in over 10 years. I ran out of containers to fill. Dont wait, they are 95% ripe and plump. My favorite black variety were a bit harder to find but the blue and "silver" ones made up for it. Lots of folks heading up as I was heading down. The bushes are loaded right along the trail no need to search. It still doesn't match some record years back in the early nineties but a definitely improvement over past years.

Net result - three gallons that need cleaning for the freezer.
I went over to Rumford Whitecap this morning, Best crop in over 10 years. I ran out of containers to fill. Dont wait, they are 95% ripe and plump. My favorite black variety were a bit harder to find but the blue and "silver" ones made up for it. Lots of folks heading up as I was heading down. The bushes are loaded right along the trail no need to search. It still doesn't match some record years back in the early nineties but a definitely improvement over past years.

Net result - three gallons that need cleaning for the freezer.
I'm almost ready to eat the huckleberries. Figures there would be a bumper crop when I'm 3000 miles away.
BTW Baldface Circle trail usually has some nice blueberries, nowhere near as prolific but still pretty good especially if someone take the Slippery Brook route up.
I agree, very good year. I was hiking all week and had blueberries almost daily. My dog has taken to them as well, he just waits for me to pick them for him.:p
Last year we hiked up Pitcher Mountain to check out the fire tower, a day hike along the Monadnock Sunapee Greenway (a wonderful trail). There are extensive overgrown blueberry bushes around the summit, and as it happened the berries were in that day. My gf and I ate as many as possible and took a bunch home. There's a box to leave a donation for picking at the TH on Rt 123.