State Highpointers Konvention - Rapid City, SD - July 17th to 20th, 2024

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Puma concolor

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Nov 28, 2003
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New York
Welcome to my thread!

And no, I’m not just regurgitating info from the internet.

I, Puma concolor, will be the host of the 2024 State Highpointers Konvention to be held in Rapid City, South Dakota from 7/17 to 7/20 of next year.

Fresh back from a super awesome scouting trip to the Black Hills where I not only re-hiked Black Elk Peak (formerly Harney) and met face-to-face with Crazy Horse at the Memorial, but also booked an official Konvention site/venue for our annual club meetings and fun next summer.

From FB:

Highpointers from all over will gather in the Mount Rushmore State for their annual Highpointers Club Konvention to be held July 17-20, 2024, at the Best Western Ramkota in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Friday, July 19, is being targeted for the annual club hike up the highpoint local to the Konvention. This year, that hike will be up Black Elk Peak, about 55 minutes from the Konvention host site.

This will be a great Konvention for the entire family with so much to do in the area and a great, sprawling resort hotel!

Keep any eye out in A to Z 139, our website and social media for more details!

Mark Styczynski deserves a huge round of applause for putting this together as our Konvention Host!”

So grab your wife (or significant other) and grab your kids (or his/hers) and join us next July in the beautiful Black Hills for what should be an epic Konvention!IMG_2215.jpeg
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So online registration is now live!

State Highpointers 2024 Konvention

Come on out to Rapid City, South Dakota this coming July to join a group of mountaineers (yes, we’re actual mountaineers) who all aspire to climb to peaks multiple times as big as anything the Northeast has to offer!

Not to even mention traveling to places in America you wouldn’t otherwise go.

As a side note, you should be a Club member if you decide to attend. And why wouldn’t you also want the awesome quarterly, all color, Apex to Zenith magazine?

Highpointers Club Membership
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Up to 156 folks registered for the SD-24 Konvention, including a healthy representation from New England and a handful of folks from New York.

Second planning trip a few weeks ago went well in spite of missing my connecting flight from Dallas to Rapid City (road trip!). Productive meetings with the folks from Visit Rapid City, Custer State Park and the National Forest Service.

Also found time to make a quick site trip to North Dakota HP White Butte. First time there since 2006, when I hiked it with my Dad.

It was kind of like this …

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While I am not a Highpointer, I have been "collecting" the 50 states for the past 50 years and there is only one left...North Dakota. Planning to drive up there early fall. ND offers a certificate if you go there and spend the night. You get a certificate that says something like "North Dakota at Last". I think that I will skip the high looks kinda unimpressive:sneaky:
I would agree that if your objective is to do the most interesting stuff you can find while in North Dakota, White Butte would probably not rank at the very top of the list.

But yeah, major congrats on your pending completion of visiting all 50 states. (y):)

Having said that, my summit photo doesn’t really do White Butte justice. It’s a cool little highpoint with some interesting geological features. There is also a new trail that the Highpointers Foundation (of which I’m now an Associate Director) footed the bill for while the Maah Daah Hey Trail Association did the work. Eventually the trail will link up to the main trail and you’ll be able to hike from White Butte to Teddy Roosevelt National Park.

A few more pics without my silly face in it …IMG_3570.jpegIMG_3569.jpegView attachment 7692IMG_3578.jpeg

Great question.

I bounced this off of a couple senior members of the Highpointers Foundation brain trust and was informed that although there has been some minor erosion to the clay and siltstone up there, the benchmark has always been elevated. Dates to 1962.

I know Rainier and Denali have elevated USGS markers as well, but that’s presumably so they can still be found in deep snow. Not sure what the thought process was in ND.
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Looking forward to meeting you at my first Konvention, Puma. Coming from NH by way of Green Bay so I'll be going thru ND on the way. Gotta get some of those big mts. out west! Steve
So you’re going to host a Konvention, you say?

“May the odds be ever in your favor!”

Great conversation with Lauren Toner from the Trail Talk Highpointers Podcast as we took a deep dive behind the scenes of South Dakota 2024 planning in Rapid City. :)

Episode 63: Konvention 2024
So that’s a wrap on the 2024 State Highpointers Konvention!

Everything went more smoothly than I could have ever hoped. 235 state highpointers from around America converged for three days of fun events and socialization.

Made the local news: Hundreds Gather in Black Hills to Climb South Dakota’s Highest Mountain

Here’s a group photo from Saturday’s watermelon feast.IMG_5901.jpeg