Viewseeker Jan 19, 2009 hey courtney, hows it gone for ya this winter?? just stopped by to say hey.....hey
mookie Jan 19, 2009 Dork? well if you would have hiked with us u would have been able to spend all day with me!!! I know, Moosilauke isnt challenging enough for you....
Dork? well if you would have hiked with us u would have been able to spend all day with me!!! I know, Moosilauke isnt challenging enough for you....
WinterWarlock Jan 17, 2009 Don't have my hotel yet, but the Thursday meeting is at MIT, and in the Longwood area on likely in the city, in the city.
Don't have my hotel yet, but the Thursday meeting is at MIT, and in the Longwood area on likely in the city, in the city.
WinterWarlock Jan 16, 2009's true, it's true. I'll be in Boston next week...Thursday and Friday. Finally time for that beer?'s true, it's true. I'll be in Boston next week...Thursday and Friday. Finally time for that beer?
Gillian Jan 13, 2009 Hey Girl! Tried to give you a greenie but couldn't - beautiful pics OK what does 24 mean?? or is that a stupid question?
Hey Girl! Tried to give you a greenie but couldn't - beautiful pics OK what does 24 mean?? or is that a stupid question?
Tom Rankin Dec 30, 2008 My wife is a huge Pats fan, I'm actually pretty much a football widower compared to her, but I do like the Giants more than the Jets. Sorry!
My wife is a huge Pats fan, I'm actually pretty much a football widower compared to her, but I do like the Giants more than the Jets. Sorry!
WinterWarlock Dec 29, 2008 Sorry 'bout the Jet's Court...I was rooting for Bret myself, but to no avail.
mtnmama Dec 18, 2008 Courtney...if you need a place to stay this weekend Pa and I are at the mountain house. Him and Donna plan on hiking with Kim this weekend. Let me know.
Courtney...if you need a place to stay this weekend Pa and I are at the mountain house. Him and Donna plan on hiking with Kim this weekend. Let me know.
WinterWarlock Dec 9, 2008 Courtney - Cloudsplitter Guides in Keene run trips up Gothics North Face twice a month in winter, after the slab is in solid enough.
Courtney - Cloudsplitter Guides in Keene run trips up Gothics North Face twice a month in winter, after the slab is in solid enough.