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  • Then you will be assigned a new correspondent next time you write unless it is only when you have reached your 46th summit.
    I think the correct question is when was the last time I sent you a letter? Some time ago. I think I'm at 23 mountains.
    Thanks for the Greenie although a yellow square was probably more appropriate but not an option.:rolleyes:;):)
    You are very welcome, yes many bridges are gone again, so is the newer one over Indian Pass Brook just north of Lake Henderson.
    On Friday near Feldspar Brook crossing a beaver has a day or two earlier cut a tree! The for sure took the flood in stride, even though many have been flushed in the valleys. Along the Boquet River, south and north of Elizabethtown they are cutting everything left standing along the shorelines..
    Thanks for a great conditions report on Gray/Skylight. That new bridge over the Opalescent didn't last long, did it?
    Salut Christine,

    J'espère que tout va à merveille pour toi!!

    Voici ma demande, sois bien à l'aise d'accepter ou de refuser.

    J'ai perdu mon adresse au U.S pour mes envoies E-Bay, je suis un collectionneur de cd de Jazz. Certains vendeurs refusent les envoies au Québec!!

    Serait-il possible d'utiliser ton adresse pour recevoir mes boîtes de cds, je te dédommagerais des ennuis que celà pourrait te causer.

    Espérant recevoir une réponse positive ou négative, je demeure PinpinBlue.
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