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  1. gram

    Postcards from Yosemite

    Here are a dozen or so of my favorite pics from our Yosemite trip, 6/4 to 6/11. There was a flood watch in effect, so you know the waterfalls were wonderful. Some of the snow lingering on Tioga Road and Glacier Point Rd changed our hiking plans a bit. But there were plenty of alternatives...
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    Does anyone know of any hikes that include a ghost town?

    Great White Mt site Drew, I also just recently discovered this site - not just good for photos, but also for old maps, etc.
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    Help with 1902 photos of Franconia Notch

    Thanks, nartreb, nice map! I'm not really familiar with the area south of N Woodstock so it's really helpful. Waumbek, cool website. I enjoyed brousing through the old pictures. Well, my biggest fear was that this viewpoint is now in the median strip of I93, but it looks like it's probably...
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    Help with 1902 photos of Franconia Notch

    I was excited to find these 2 photos while looking through my great uncle's old photos. They were taken in July 1902 while he was staying in a cottage in Fairview - looks like Fairview is an area between Woodstock and N Woodstock. Exciting to me because our family spends our annual hiking...
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    Suggestions for an easy hike in Northeast MA

    Maudsley State Park Pretty much flat - views of the Merrimac River, carriage roads, lawns, old gardens, etc. Very close to I95 in Newburyport. This is a large property so you could easily spend 3 hours there. Would suggest printing online map, as the kiosk is sometimes empty. We enjoy...
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    Brighest Circumzenithal Arc I've ever seen

    Here's a link to a similar rainbow effect. Taken from OBP in Franconia Notch. Looks like my "red" is on top, Tom's red is on the bottom. While my pictures aren't too bright, it was fun to see!
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    Negatives to digital / CD

    Cvs Last year I took to CVS some negatives of a trip we took to Glacier NP in 2000. They transferred the pics to CD and I saved them to my computer. I was amazed at how well they came out. The camera the pics were taken on was a basic 35MM and the storage of the negatives over the years...
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    Bear Brook State Park Question

    We were there a couple of weeks ago on a weekday. Yes, there were snowmobiles. We parked in the middle of the park at a plowed lot off Deerfield Rd. Check summer map on the web, NOT the lot near the gatehouse. We took the Bear Brook Trail. No snowmobiles. Very easy, very scenic. We kind...
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    Common Ground: A Hike In PA

    Nice! Thanks for posting.
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    Two fox sightings in four days

    Along the Kanc Here are 2 photos of a fox taken Friday along the Kanc between Bear Notch Rd and Lincoln Woods. As in Chip's pic, this fox seems to have something wrong with it's tail.
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    Finding the Falling Water's Trailhead

    Parker's motel We have stayed here at a unit with a kitchenette - good for making breakfast in the room and getting an early start. You should be able to get a good off season rate. They are on Rte 3 in North Lincoln, as close as you can...
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    4 days in Sedona AZ

    We arrived in Phoenix to near record breaking temps for the last week in Sept. On the drive to Sedona, the car thermometer registered 108! On our first full day we headed off to the Boynton Canyon trial. Why we picked this trail, when our hiking guide said it could be hot, I have no clue...
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    Garfield is a fine place to finish

    Congratulations on your finish! Peter and I enjoyed chatting with you on Osceola for Flags.
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    Sedona AZ hiking ?

    Thanks for all the great suggestions. I've made notes in my hiking book. We leave Saturday - will post pics when we get back!
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    Sedona AZ hiking ?

    My husband and I have several days in Sedona at the end of the month. I'm looking for info on the area. We will not be going to the Grand Canyon, as we were at the North Rim last year. Best day hikes? I have Sedona Hikes by the Mangums, and every hike sounds good! Suggestions for what's...
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    anyone feel they have an accurate forecast for tomorrow ?

    I'm thinking positive! We'll be on Osceola tomorrow come rain or come shine.
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    Franconia Ridge, August 30th

    I just love the story told in the last photo.
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    Fav Reads- limit to nature/Adventure

    Just finished "In the Land of White Death" by Valerian Albanov. Great read, came across it while browsing at my town library. It's about a ship trapped in ice in the Siberian Arctic in 1914. Couldn't put it down.
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    Digital Mountain Climbing Photography

    The pictures are amazing - now I have to go back and read the text!
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    a trip to Zeacliff and a question

    Thanks everyone! Great pictures! Thanks for all the info. I was fascinated that the trail appears clear of rock, although it cuts across the talus slope. I would guess that someone does a great job of trail maintenance. Definitely worth the trip back.