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  1. Jasper

    Blue Hill Reservation

    The Quiet Blue Hills Over the past year, I have ran or hiked the Blue hills trails 3 times a week. My office was just at the foot reservation by the Shea Rink. All outings were done on weekdays in the early morning before work or in the early affternoon. During those times, I would meet up...
  2. Jasper

    Maine law - this was - Injured hiker carried 8 miles to safety

    I think you read this correctly. Without getting into a lot of legal research, this would appear to give the authorized agent of the commissioner (the ranger) the authority to order participation in a SAR by any person in ME.
  3. Jasper

    Real Food vs Processed : What do you bring on the trail ?

    A step down from processed food. I seem to always bring fully process food; Mars bars, Mac and Cheese (pre cooked) packaged meats etc. However, my wife joined me on a recent backpacking trip to the Canadian Rockies. She looked after the evening dinners. What a treat, Salmon, Asparagus, Salad...
  4. Jasper

    Need to get down the mountain fast?

    First Person Story A few years ago, my hiking buddies and I climbed Rainier. On the way down the snowfield from Muir, we sled the slope using plastic rollup kids sleds. We made great time and it was a blast. We used our ice axes as a breaking tool. There were some great spills and crashes...
  5. Jasper

    winter/mountaineering boots question

    Sorel Conquest For your consideration: I just bought a pair of Sorel Conquest so it is too early to tell how they will work-out. However: They have 400 grams of Thinsulate insulation. They are fairly stiff so they should be ok for strap-on crampons. Yet, they are flexable enough to handle...
  6. Jasper

    Everest base camp

    Great pictures from a great trip. A trip of a life time. Thank you for sharing them with us.
  7. Jasper

    Injured hiker carried 8 miles to safety

    GREAT JOB, BOB! Great job by Fish and Game and the Pemi SAR as well.
  8. Jasper

    Best (mass produced)chocolate bar for hiking?

    I vote for the MARS Bar These bars have been a regular on by trips for a long time. I believe they are made by Cadbury in the UK. I purchase the dark chocolate verision when I visit my folks in Canada. My supply has been depleted over the summer so it is time to visit Mom again. :) They...
  9. Jasper

    Lighting stove in winter/high winds: What do you carry?

    Bic with Life Boat Matches as a backup I always carry life boat matches as a back up. The Bic works 99% of the time if kept warm in an inside pocket. The Life Boat matches are indistructable, and produce a steady, long lasting flame in high winds. Having said that, I use the aluminum wind...
  10. Jasper

    Verbal exchange

    Give as much as I Get Usually, it is 50/50. However, I have a unique hiking buddy that talks continuously. Mainly, this is ok, because I am at the front of the line and as I age my hearing is in decline. My buddy's range of conversation subjects is very broad, going from physics to 60's...
  11. Jasper

    knife for hiking

    I agree with Sleepy Bear In the warmer weather I take a Swiss Army Classic. In the winter, becasues the risk is higher, I take a Leatherman.
  12. Jasper

    Where Would You Live?

    A new home for one year? This shows my bias, Jasper AB (It is in the national park so residency is restricted. I checked.) Field, BC Huntsville, ON Intervale, NH
  13. Jasper

    Mt. Whitney, the Privy on High is no More!

    This is not new; Rainier has been doing this for years. What is interesting is that it is in the New York Times and is the leading e-mailed article. I am not sure if this is an indication of a ground swell of interest in hiking or interest in bathroom humor...
  14. Jasper

    Wilderness First Aid Courses

    I am looking at taking a wilderness first aid course this fall and would appreciate any advise the members can provide. It appears that there are to primary training companies: SOLO and Wilderness Medicine. Which is better? I have CPR and Red Cross First Aid training but I am looking for...
  15. Jasper

    Truth Time: Could you survive 24 hours?

    Grab Bag of Emerency Equipment I always put a small sack of emergency equipment into my pack; Life Boat matches, Plastic Tube tent, cord, fire starters, emergency blancket, and painkillers, etc. I have been criticised more then once about the added weight but the peace of mind is worth it.
  16. Jasper

    Pack on airplane?

    Packs on a Flight Just returned from an eight day hiking trip in the Canadian Rockies. Air Canada were very kind and careful. They put my Gregory in a large, heavy duty plastic bag. Everthing worked out fine and they did not loose my luggage this time.
  17. Jasper

    Balancing careers and the outdoors.

    A good and timely topic While this thread was not directed to me, I am wrestling with this subject now. After moving to this country 20 years ago, raising 4 children and doing the corporate thing to the max, I am taking a 'package' at the end of September. While I am getting on, I am still in...
  18. Jasper

    Thoughts on Newfoundland hiking

    Gros Morne and the Long Range Mountains I agree with everything said. Great people. Be prepared slow down and definantely spend time talking with the locals. Weather is very changeable; look for cool and wet conditions. Wild life is very abundent on the Long Range Mountains. Navigition can...
  19. Jasper

    Compass for Peru

    I have a Suunto MC-2G. Very pleased with it. Good sighting and works any place (ex-high artic). Tested in South America, New Zealand and the Rockies.
  20. Jasper

    Is the Alpine Garden in Bloom?

    Returned for the Alpine Garden on Friday. It is definately passed it prime. Did get some fine photos which I will post later. Sunny day but 43 degrees and a 30 mph wind. We started down about 2:30, just as the clouds were coming in at 5500 feet.