Compass for Peru

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Sep 8, 2003
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Is there anything special required for a compass for use in Peru? I seem to recall something about the needle dipping, but I'm not sure if Peru is "south enough".

Anyone got a url for declination info there?

My nephew is trekking there soon and I was hoping to get him something from EMS rather than the internet before he leaves.
Remix said:
Is there anything special required for a compass for use in Peru? I seem to recall something about the needle dipping, but I'm not sure if Peru is "south enough".

Anyone got a url for declination info there?

My nephew is trekking there soon and I was hoping to get him something from EMS rather than the internet before he leaves.
It's magnetic dip, and yes, you have to account for it. Your compass needle will follow the magnetic field lines, which are not in general parallel to the earth's surface. At the magnetic pole, the dip is 90 degrees (vertical). At the magnetic equator it is horizontal. To compensate, one end of the needle is weighted for the dip in the region it is used. A compass sold for North America may not work well in South America. You can buy compasses compensated for the region of interest. Some manufacturers make a universal compass, such as this one.

Find values of declination here.
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I have a Suunto MC-2G. Very pleased with it. Good sighting and works any place (ex-high artic). Tested in South America, New Zealand and the Rockies.