Ham radio: any SOTA chasers here


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Active member
Feb 14, 2018
Reaction score
Warner, NH
I've been thinking of activating some peaks, particularly those never done (Shoal Pond Peak is high on my list***). Just curious if anyone is interested in announcements here if they don't follow the reflector. Just got my KX2 in and I'm loving it through some test runs**.

Translation for everyone else. Ham radio is a licensed activity where you can contact other operators in the world on bands below AM, between AM and FM (shortwave) and beyond up to microwaves. Shortwave allows contact to anywhere in the world with low power.

SOTA is the Summits on the Air program where folks climb a peak and run their radios, generally at the power of a nightlight. I've made many contact around the world with 5W. SOTA is not a contest but more of a just for fun to see how many contacts you can make as well as the people contacting them (chasers) to see how many summits they can get.

There's a bunch of 3k's in NH I'd love to climb again so I think it's a neat way to motivate me.

**Damned good thing because my 15 month old FTDX101MP has to be returned AGAIN for repairs. 🤬

*** We swore we hit the high point but there was no jar so I'd love to find that point and the jar to see how far off they are. Been bugging the crap out of me for years.. .

Last time I was on Mt Martha I met a guy putting it on the air. He had a dipole strung across the summit. Fun!

Good luck and ride that sunspot cycle as long as you can Salty.

I used to do SOTA before it was a thing. Used my Kenwood 2M HT on summits from the Adirondacks to Baxter. Lots of fun. About 98% of the time I used repeaters. This was back in the late 80s to early 90s. Out here I don't hear much SOTA but lots of POTA (Parks on the Air).
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