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  1. K

    Tumbledown (Weld) - Access

    Nice place. Haven't been there for a few years. Does seem that the "locals" hang out around there. We camped up at the pond one year, had a great time. Saw a momma moose and baby..... :)
  2. K

    Hancock's and me, 9/21

    I agree, funny though, that we don't mind to get up that early for fun stuff like hiking or skiing, but when it comes to work...... ;) Yeah, I like to get up into the mountains for a refesher also. :)
  3. K

    Travelers and Doubletop

    Very nice! Gawd I love BSP! Can't wait to get back there! Maybe fall....definately winter.
  4. K

    Hut Worker Falls Ill

    Nope, that's about all I've heard as well......
  5. K

    How do I find this trial to the Kinsmans??

    Okay, then we're idiots??? :confused: ;) :D :eek:
  6. K

    How do I find this trial to the Kinsmans??

    Let me get this straight, since we obviously need help :confused: . When you talk about the tourist path, this is the paved path??? How about this, start with us in the parking lot on the southbound side of 93, at the Basin. When you say to go uphill, this is heading north???? About how far from...
  7. K

    How do I find this trial to the Kinsmans??

    I'd like to know if anyone has a better idea of where to hook onto the Basin-Cascades Trail from the Basin parking lot????
  8. K

    Does anybody actually read the guide first?

    Yep, I always do for many of the reasons stated here.....although it didn't help this past weekend. :( I was totally bummed when we decided to bag the trip to the Kinsmans, I was sooo looking forward to staying at the Pond......The WMG map shows a small trail crossing from the Basin to get...
  9. K

    A Bear in trouble in Woodstock N.Y. but is ok now

    OMG! Poor thing. Glad someone found him.
  10. K

    Bonding in the Bonds--9/7-9/8

    Very nice trip report! Glad that you had that special time with your daughter, I'm sure that will be treasured forever.
  11. K

    Any Snow in the Whites Yet?

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it doing the Indian rain dance in ski boots w/uphillklimber pounding on the drums in hopes that we have a very snowy winter.... :D :D :D :)
  12. K


    I don't think it was hypothermia, but could've very well turned into it. One of our winter trips into Baxter was late Feb or early March temps were about 20 thereabouts with winds(at our backs, thank god) about the same give or take.... I was wearing my hiking boots(these are used in summer...
  13. K

    Sandwich Dome and Jenning's Peak by Smart's Brook Trail

    Sounds like a very nice trip. We'll have to keep this one in mind. I've been up to Jennings Peak, we went up the "hard" way though and stayed for the night at the top of Jenning Peak and came down the trail you did.
  14. K

    Mt Carrigan, Flags on the 48

    I was very glad and excited to be able to share this with everyone. Very moving, especially when everyone started to sing the Star Spangled Banner!
  15. K

    Three rescues in the Whites

    Glad everyone came out of it safe. Sounds like the people on the Mt. Washington hike should've reasessed the situation when the woman started getting into trouble though. Maybe the boyfriend didn't know his girlfriends limits either. I know my limits, even though I do try to push myself just a...
  16. K

    Vandals at Lincoln Gap, VT

    Sorry to hear that, Lumberzac. Hope you insurance will cover the costs on the most part.
  17. K

    Three rescues in the Whites

    Sounds like the adults at least did the right thing there. Still it also sounds as though they didn't allow enought time to do what they had planned.....??? Glad to hear everyone was alright.
  18. K

    Three rescues in the Whites

    OMG! Franconia Notch??? Wonder what happened there? We were supposed to go up there this weekend, but changed our minds due to weather.....I hope people at work don't think it's me....I told some that's where we were going, but ended up going up the Osecola's. I was pretty windy on Sat. and Sun...
  19. K

    Labor Day weekend weather

    So, what's everyone think about how the weather will hold out for this weekend? Around here it's calling for a little cooler temps then it originally said, earlier in the week, which will be fine as long as it doesn't pour. Some showers? That'll be okay.... Well hopefully they'll be few and far...
  20. K

    Coldfeet and Kids at Baxter 8/15

    You took your kids up Cathedral???? :eek: Well I'm sure being young and energetic helped......Glad you had a great time! Baxter is so magical, wish there was more time for it. I love that place every time I go and enjoy reading other trip reports from others visits. :) Always a joy. I bet the...