Sandwich Dome and Jenning's Peak by Smart's Brook Trail

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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Brookline, MA
Smart's Brook trail is probably the least used trail up Sandwich Dome, which I think is a pity. In spite of a boring section low down, it has a lot to recommend it!

I hiked up it today, starting a bit after 9 AM. Fall is approaching; the temperature at the trailhead was 43 degrees! I was wearing a long sleeved polypro top and shorts and started out a bit chilly (but not enough to pull out my fleece).

The old logging road that the trail used to follow has been used recently (2 or 3 years ago I think) and looks it: wide, driveable and almost no growth in the road. This lasts about 1.5 miles, ending in a large clearing. Beyond that clearing it is a real trail, though for the next half mile or so (almost up to the Wilderness boundry) there are many cut areas.

For roughly the first 4 miles the trail follows Smarts Brook fairly closely, the WMG writes "The valley is wild and pleasant, and the trail is relatively easy". The footing is excellent most of the way.

After crossing Smart's Brook (about 3.7 miles from trailhead) the trail goes through an area with huge boulders, and the footing becomes more rocky. It then leaves the valley for the ridge. Most of the trail going to the ridge is a wide switchback with easy grades, but the first and last 100 vertical feet go straight up the fall line, the only two steep sections on the whole trip.

I met one hiker coming down (one more than I usually meet on that trail!!), he had parked his car at the Smart's Brook trailhead and had been dropped at the traditional Sandwich Mountain trailhead.

The section of the Sandwich Mountain Trail along the ridge is a bit rockier than Smart's Brook Trail, but still has very reasonable footing. I reached the summit in time for an early lunch on a gorgeous (almost) fall day.

Since I felt that I still had some fitness in me I only had half of my lunch, saving the second sanwich for Jenning's Peak. By the time I got there the sun was quite warm, and I had a very enjoyable second lunch on the summit ledge.

The trip down was easy, as the combination of moderate grades and good footing makes descent a pleasure! But the last 1.5 miles on the logging road were a drag, even Audrey would not enjoy it on skis (too flat, you have to work going "downhill").
Mohamed, last December I attempted the hike you described but turned around at the first major brook crossing. I also was hiking solo and the crossing was a bit challenging. However, on the return I avoided the "boring" section down low by taking the Pine Flats Trail, which goes off to right. It brings you next to a very interesting gorge, cut into the granite, with a few cascades as well. Soon after, you return to the Smart Brook parking area.
Sounds like a very nice trip. We'll have to keep this one in mind. I've been up to Jennings Peak, we went up the "hard" way though and stayed for the night at the top of Jenning Peak and came down the trail you did.
skibones said:
How many hours was the whole trip?
From trailhead to Sandwich Dome summit 5.7 miles and 3,100 feet of elevation gain, add 0.7 miles and say 100 feet for Jenning's Peak. Round trip is 12.8 miles and 3,200 feet, book time exactly eight hours. Without Jenning's Peak round trip 11.4 miles and 3,100 feet, book time 7:15.

Given the good footing and easy grades you should be able to do it quite a bit faster than your average speed relative to book time.
Mike said:
However, on the return I avoided the "boring" section down low by taking the Pine Flats Trail, which goes off to right. It brings you next to a very interesting gorge, cut into the granite, with a few cascades as well. Soon after, you return to the Smart Brook parking area.

Thanks for the hint, I should have thought of it myself as I have XC skied the Pine Flats -> Yellow Jacket -> Smarts Brook loop. Probably adds about a mile each way.

For more variety could take the Pine Flats one way, and the Tritown Trail the other way.