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  1. K

    Black Fly Season

    Exactly! Now that's what I'm takin' 'bout! That one of the biggest reasons I like winter over summer, well maybe not the biggest, but one of the reasons. There are many other reasons I like winter as well......let's see there's skiing, winter hiking, snowshoeing, skating......just to name a few...
  2. K

    Black Fly Season

    OMG! and I thought I had it bad! Yeah, I agree with the deerflies as well, they can be pretty nasty!
  3. K

    Black Fly Season

    Yeah, they didn't seem to be biting, yet.......just wait though. I think I hate the black flies worse than the mosquitoes.
  4. K

    Black Fly Season

    Looks like it's black fly season here in southern NH. Anyone got 'em yet? Anyone know how ther are in the mountains? Seems a little early??? :mad: My husband and I, a few years ago went hiking on Memorial Day and nearly got chased down the trail with them! :eek: Well, actually we did. We...
  5. K

    Tuckerman Inferno 4/22/06

    Nope, never have had the opportunity to check out Tuck's....been wanting to, but just haven't. Wonder how the black flies will be......where we live they're already pretty nasty. :eek:
  6. K

    Ever Been Rescued?

    Nope, never been rescued...but I've had a few hairy moments.... Let's see my very first, ever hike up Kathadin, I thought for sure I was gonna need help.... Made the mistake of listening to another hiker telling us "it was shorter" to go up the Cathedral Ledge trail to reach the top.....what a...
  7. K

    Snow in the Catskills (Is it true?)

    Yep, it's been a pretty sad winter..... :( Hasn't been a good year for skiing either, just think winter is half over too.
  8. K

    Baxter SP

    I just called up there to see if I could get any more info....all we care about(well not all), but anyway, we just want to be able to use our x-country skis to get in. They said there was probably just barely enough for that and there would most likely be some icy spots as well. I'm kinda...
  9. K

    Baxter SP

    I should've asked you before. Do you have a phone number we can call to find the conditions on our route? That would be great if you do.
  10. K

    Baxter SP

    Nope. We are going to hike into the bunkhouse at Nesowadnehunk. Can't wait! This ought to be great!
  11. K

    Baxter SP

    We're heading up there this weekend too. We've been hearing that thy're may be barely enough for sledding in....we're certainly hoping. Really want to x-cross country in.....but we'll see.
  12. K


    Yes, pretty much all of the well as trying to get rid of some fat around the mid section. I think I probably was over doing the sit ups or something like that, I also have an old injury that reoccurs occasionally...from leaning over and pulling up on a window....improper form. It...
  13. K


    Sounds like quite a few people have a pretty set regimen going. I'm really bad at that....I usually do 20-30 on the elliptical machine, then into either streching or work on the Total Gym 1700 that we just recently purchased, which I absolutly love. Now I just need to figure out some kind of...
  14. K

    Are these dudes Nuts or what?

    I say more power to em! Man they are nuts!
  15. K

    nice day to climb washington

    Sounds insane to me! :eek: No thanks. We were gonna do a hike yesterday, but opted out of it!
  16. K


    Thanks Lawn Sale, I'll have to check that out....see if there's anything there I could use.
  17. K


    I hear ya....I'm going to be hitting the big 5oh this year! :eek: I've been doing cardio at home(eliptical machine-20-30min) 2 or 3 times a week, some strength training, and of course lots of streching. Seems like it's still not enough though. They say it takes just as long to take it off as it...
  18. K

    Falling thru a frozen lake

    WOW! :eek: Unbelievable! :eek: I can't imagine doing that kind of demonstration. Very informative. I hope I never have to use this technique, but I'm glad for this information. My worry would be not being able to get the skis off. I have a hard enough time getting them off above water, never...
  19. K

    Skiing Attitash

    Anyone interested meeting up to ski Attitash on Friday, 1/13?? I'd like to meet anyone interested at Bear Peak Friday morning.
  20. K


    Try to hike more Keep up working out Make more new friends Oh, yeah, I stopped making resolutions, cause I hardly ever stick to em. :rolleyes: JK :D