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  1. M

    Weekend Weather - what are you planning on?

    thanks for the info. we've got a couple plan B's as well...mostly supplied by folks around here!
  2. M

    Weekend Weather - what are you planning on?

    as Saturday is my only free day for the next 3 weeks, I've been eyeing the weather reports very closely for the Whites & Berkshires. similar forecasts for both from slight chance precipitation in the AM, clearing up afterwards. I suppose we'll know more tonight/tomorrow AM. anybody...
  3. M

    Gear-less spring hiking recommendation?

    thanks for the reply I'm in Boston, so Acadia is a little far for a day hike. anything specific to recommend in Camden?
  4. M

    Gear-less spring hiking recommendation?

    I was hoping to do Franconia Ridge with some friends & family in a couple weeks (April 7-8-9) but grouseking's trip report from a few weeks back has me concerned we couldn't do it without crampons - nobody in the group has much ice gear. any other recommendations for a solid day hike in...
  5. M

    Middlebury Gap VT recommendations?

    hey folks - I'm packing up the wife & kids (a malamute and a lab/rot mix) and heading up to Middlebury Gap for some hiking & camping this weekend. We're camping around Lake Dunmore and I'm looking for some recommendations for some day hikes while we are there. Right now I'm planning on...
  6. M

    Adirondack Hikes

    re: either of these peaks - Algonquin or Wright - include ladders or other dog-unfriendly obstacles? We just got a 70# Alaskan Malamute from the shelter and I have to yet to tire the pooch out...a weekend in the ADK should do it, I hope.
  7. M

    Shickshock Mountains - Quebec?

    thanks! thanks for all the replies folks.
  8. M

    Shickshock Mountains - Quebec?

    in this month's Nat'l Geographic Adventure, there is a short article on a guy who is in the middle of a 7,700 mi trek which joins most of the major trails in North America. I'm not sure at what point in his journey the interview took place, but the question was asked what his favorite part of...