Weekend Weather - what are you planning on?


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Jul 10, 2005
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as Saturday is my only free day for the next 3 weeks, I've been eyeing the weather reports very closely for the Whites & Berkshires.

similar forecasts for both from noaa.org. slight chance precipitation in the AM, clearing up afterwards. I suppose we'll know more tonight/tomorrow AM.

anybody in either area with more detailed info? any tips for an area that looks good that day? we are hoping to do Franconia Ridge or Mt Everett & Race tomorrow.
If heading up to the Whites, keep the strong winds in mind. The forecast from the Mount Washington Observatory is calling for winds speeds between 45-65mph. This is probably what you could expecct to find on Franconia Ridge.

We were planning on doing Jefferson but are once again going with our "Plan B". We'll be doing Galehead instead...
thanks for the info. we've got a couple plan B's as well...mostly supplied by folks around here!
Double Bow said:
If heading up to the Whites, keep the strong winds in mind. The forecast from the Mount Washington Observatory is calling for winds speeds between 45-65mph. This is probably what you could expecct to find on Franconia Ridge.

We were planning on doing Jefferson but are once again going with our "Plan B". We'll be doing Galehead instead...

heck thats low comparing to what it has been :D :D -

I think tommorow will be ok, I have been eyeing the whites all week (was supposed to climb today but didn't feel like getting caught up high in heavy rain this afternoon - so bailed, planning on tommorow (leaving mass soon) - looks right now, there may be some clouds in the am and then it should get better. but I am no weatherman!!

this new snow is pissing me off tho :mad: :mad: - trying to climb in hunts tommorow and with the rain, new snow on top of the old hard slab, it may be some rolling the dice tommorow - esp since they are not rating huntington anymore. may have to make some tough decsions tommorow.
giggy said:
this new snow is pissing me off tho :mad: :mad: - trying to climb in hunts tommorow and with the rain, new snow on top of the old hard slab, it may be some rolling the dice tommorow - esp since they are not rating huntington anymore. may have to make some tough decsions tommorow.
I presume that you have checked the Avy Bulletin--doesn't look too promising for Sat. Looks like the rain will set up some new slabs... http://www.mountwashington.org/avalanche/index.html

Dalraida said:
Cleaning out waterbars, and removing blowdowns. It's that time of year again. Anyone want to help? AT Maintainer. :)

Cheers!!! :)

I've hauled many bags of trash and a few hundred bottles and cans from a few trailheads already, a wonderful spring ritual! :) I'll be carrying the bucksaw for a couple months, just not into the group thing or official thing. A ranger "busted" me cleaning the Moat Mt Trailhead, which was trashed, and asked me to volunteer in exchange for a parking pass. It's a nice gesture but not for me. Contact any ranger station, they need volunteers.

As for hiking this weekend, I'm on the "southern strategy" idea, avoiding snow and ice, looking for dirt and leaves. I'm thinking of hiking Mt. Isreal.

Happy Trails!