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  1. 1

    CT/Mass Hike 4/15

    Race Brook Falls Trail I purchased the AT book and maps for CT & MA today. Am thinking that the Race Brook Falls trail from Highway 41 to the Bear Rock Falls campsite might be a good first hike for my boys in a couple of weeks. Looks like about a six mile hike. Could anyone comment on this...
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    CT/Mass Hike 4/15

    Thanks to all Thank you for all the input, will try and get a map this weekend. If anyone knows how I can find out if fires are allowed in Sages Ravine or Race Mountain please let me know. Poison Ivy; Small world, I'm in Mansfield as well. I'll keeping an eye out for a hiker in full gear...
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    CT/Mass Hike 4/15

    Thank You Chip / mcorsar: Thank you for the information. A couple of follow-ups. I can't find trail maps for the Lions Head Sages section, any ideas? Do they have them at the Under Mountain trailhead? Also, I think I recall hiking from just before Lions Head, to Sages Ravine in one day (think...
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    CT/Mass Hike 4/15

    New to Forum Great forums! Have not hiked the AT in almost 30 years and am about to take my two boys on a trip from Lions Head to Sages Ravine. Hiked it many times in my teens but am hoping to get an update on conditions. Sounds like Sages is a lot more traveled these days, is the water...