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  1. Fisher Cat

    "The Grid" has replaced "The List"

    This is something I have given a lot of contemplation, due to the fact that my wife, Klutzy Kat, is done with her 48. For myself personally, the 48 was the only list I had ever been interested in. There are certainly those I would like to go back to via different trails, and as my in-laws work...
  2. Fisher Cat

    Polyester Pollution

    You want wool?! Here you go, it's all the wool you need. The only non-wool items were the mocs and the sheath. Believe it or not, even on some mid-summer Historical Treks I have been quite comfy in single wool layers. Yes they feel heavy, but they do breathe rather well.
  3. Fisher Cat

    most 4,000-footers in a day?

    I think the most I've ever done in a day was 7 - Galehead, both Twins, all 3 Bonds, and Zealand. We had even wanted to add Garfield, but it was amidst that god-awful heat wave during the end of June-early July 2010, and we canned that idea. Just from a pure fun aspect it would be personally...
  4. Fisher Cat

    merci Julie, thank you for your words!

    merci Julie, thank you for your words!
  5. Fisher Cat

    Thanks Ellen! On our way up we met a group coming down, and an older fellow amongst them stopped...

    Thanks Ellen! On our way up we met a group coming down, and an older fellow amongst them stopped and chatted with me a bit, he seemed to really enjoy the equipment. He asked why I was doing it, and all I could think of to say (outside of honoring my family's history-which would require a long...
  6. Fisher Cat

    Shadowy Creep Finishes The 48

    now that's what I call a fun read
  7. Fisher Cat

    BeccaM finishes the Grid! October 8th

    Another voice adding a deserved "well done!"
  8. Fisher Cat

    Concerning NH 4000 footer peak bagging

    Ha, excellent point! As many know, at one point the summit of W was referred to as Trinity Heights, as there were 3 small "summits" before the building projects began (hence the name Trinity Heights Connector). As far as we know, there was a fair amount of earth movement atop the summit when the...
  9. Fisher Cat

    Garfield & A 48 Finish

    and here's a few more pics, courtesy again of Forester Jake:
  10. Fisher Cat

    Hiking In the Face of History: A Historical Trek to Garfield

    photos! Thanks to Forester Jake for his photography skills throughout the day. He is quite adept at taking pics when no one is looking. If anybody has any that they think capture the moment, please let me know, the sutlers I buy from like it when I send them some that they use in advertising...
  11. Fisher Cat

    Concerning NH 4000 footer peak bagging

    Cabot is another example of where a sign designating the name and altitude is not on the actual summit. Fortunately, the treadway leading to the actual summit is obvious and short, reducing the amount of extra wear at the top. peakbagger has an excellent point in that concern. Interesting...
  12. Fisher Cat

    Thanks!! I am incredibly proud of what she has done! Cheers!

    Thanks!! I am incredibly proud of what she has done! Cheers!
  13. Fisher Cat

    Thanks Mark, it was fun to attempt a little humor amidst the TR. Best!

    Thanks Mark, it was fun to attempt a little humor amidst the TR. Best!
  14. Fisher Cat

    Hiking In the Face of History: A Historical Trek to Garfield

    Here is everything pictured, mind you, it has not been washed yet: I can have some more pics up as soon as I get them from Forester Jake, who took a lot, including the one atop Garfield pasted in the TR. All clothing comes from Flying Canoe Traders, the mocs from the wonderful Ouellette family...
  15. Fisher Cat

    Hiking In the Face of History: A Historical Trek to Garfield

    Bummer, I would've loved to have met you guys! What were you wearing?, was it when you were going up or coming down? we got up around 1:45 or so.
  16. Fisher Cat

    Hiking In the Face of History: A Historical Trek to Garfield

    You bring out a lot of observations Creag, thank you. For the equipment minded, here's an inventory of today: Double-soled elk hide mocs Wool tights ( of course) Wool breeches Wool leggings & leather straps Wool jacket Linen undershirt Wool voyageur hat Powder horn, shot bag, primer fluke...
  17. Fisher Cat

    Garfield via Garfield Trail

    Trail in pretty good shape. Few wet spot prior to the series of switchbacks, but nothing unavoidable. Some ice on rocks on final two-tenths to summit, but nothing requiring special equipment.
  18. Fisher Cat

    Hiking In the Face of History: A Historical Trek to Garfield

    The movies of Hollywood are always trying to make an impression on us. This is especially true with historical pieces. Their goal is to get us to associate with a character. Are we like them? Would we have acted the same, or differently? Who do we relate to the most, or want to? Its no different...
  19. Fisher Cat

    Garfield & A 48 Finish

    There is just something about Garfield. Maybe it is the bond it shares with similiar peaks with such an open vista. For some reason, summits with a 360 sweep enchant us with the gifts of reflection, appreciation, even perspective. We find ourselves cramped within the confines of our own personal...
  20. Fisher Cat

    The Great Trailmakers Experiment

    Believe it or not it does. I know for years South Pond was nothing more than a place to swim, it wasn't till I was older I realized there was more to it. Thanks for the thoughts!